Focus on your workout, no distractions, just follow the sound!
Our app is a simple and efficient timer that will be your best companion during each and every one of your INTERVAL TRAINING workouts !
This Interval Training Timer will help you focus on your workout so you won't be distracted by a screen or a watch. Forget about the time, just follow the sounds. And when you're done, you can share your results with your friends on Facebook and Twitter !
And if you love this timer, you can get rid of the ads forever with our No More Ads in-app purchase. The funds collected will support our regular developments in the app.
Main features :
** Set-up screen with a very easy UI
** In-app volume bar, so you can adjust separately the music volume and the app volume
** 3 sounds choice and a voice
** Load preset : you can load one of our existing preset (Fat Loss, Tabata) or one you saved previously
** Save preset : you can save the workout you just set up and give it a name
** Lien vers nos comptes Facebook et Twitter: vous pouvez aimer l'application, partager votre expérience avec d'autres utilisateurs, partager vos séances d'entraînement, faire des suggestions pour de nouvelles fonctionnalités,…
** Vibrate mode
** 3 seconds warning click
** Forward / Backward button during the workout to go to the next/previous interval
** Step Counter included in the training screen
Coming very soon : a calendar to save all your workouts !!!!!
HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is a method well known to burn fat in a short & intense workout. Et il existe de nombreuses façons différentes: sprint, crossfit, course à pied, entraînements de poids corporel, cyclisme, yoga, étirement, haltérophilie, boxe ...
L'entraînement à intervalles à haute intensité (HIIT) est une forme améliorée d'entraînement par intervalles, une stratégie d'exercice alternant des périodes d'exercice anaérobie courte avec des périodes de récupération moins intenses. HIIT is a form of cardiovascular exercise. Usual HIIT sessions may vary from 4–30 minutes. These short, intense workouts provide improved athletic capacity and condition, improved glucose metabolism, and improved fat burning.
This definition comes from wikipedia ( where you can find a lot more informations. It explains some very popular program, like the TABATA. HIIT is also a common practice in Crossfit trainings.
You can use it during all trainings with intervals or other timed repetition
Fondamentalement, c'est ainsi que cela fonctionne: sur le premier écran, vous configurerez les durées de vos phases d'entraînement (temps de préparation, travail, repos, ronds et refroidir) et vous choisissez votre son.
Then hit “Go !”, work and just follow the sound… or the voice !
You can listen to your own music, just make sure you can still hear the sound.
At the end of the workout, a new feature allows you to share your workout with your friends on Facebook and Twitter @hiit_android
Now automatically pause and resume if a phone call arrives.
This is why PHONE_STATE permissions are required. But the app never collects and stores phone numbers from users phones.