Boss Fight for Dark Souls I ، II ، III. إذا كنت تحلم القتال مع الأصدقاء ، كومون!
Boss Fight for Dark Souls I ، II ، III. إذا كنت تحلم القتال مع الأصدقاء ، كومون! If you dream fight vs big boss, or boss vs boss it game for you! Any people can stand ancient hero, who will find old fire.Dark Souls has a minimalistic plot. الأحداث التاريخية في هذا العالم وأهميتها غالبًا ما تكون ضمنية وتترك لتفسير اللاعب بدلاً من عرضه أو شرحه بالكامل. Most of the story is given to the player through dialogue from characters within the game, flavor text from items, and world design.
The opening cutscene establishes the premise of the game. The world was once shrouded by grey fog and ruled by dragons. In this time period, Gwyn happens upon the First Flame and finds a Lord Soul. He and his allies use their power to defeat the dragons, beginning the Age of Fire. Over time, the flames begin to fade and Gwyn sacrifices himself and his soul to prolong the Age of Fire. With the flame dwindling, the undead curse arises, causing certain humans to continually resurrect upon death.
The player character is a cursed undead, locked away in an undead asylum. After escaping the asylum, the player travels to Lordran to ring the Bells of Awakening. The bells awaken Kingseeker Frampt, who tells the player to ascend to Anor Londo. In Anor Londo, Gwynevere instructs the player to succeed Lord Gwyn and fulfill the prophecy. To accomplish this, the Lord Souls must be acquired from Gwyn's primordial allies and returned to the flame.
The player may encounter Darkstalker Kaathe, who encourages the player not to link the fire, but to let it die out and usher in the Age of Dark. Once the player acquires the Lord Souls, they travel to the Kiln of the First Flame to succeed Lord Gwyn. بمجرد هزيمة Gwyn ، يتم منح اللاعب اختيار ربط اللهب للحفاظ على عصر النار ، أو السماح له بالموت للتحريض على عصر الظلام.
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