Center yourself through a meditative breathing exercise and bell timer.
Meditation calms the mind, increases positive mental states, and decreases stress. It's easy to add a few moments of meditation to your daily routine. This app will walk you through a brief breathing exercise, helping you to find a moment of calmness in your busy day. Or you can turn on the ocean wave sounds and let the app guide you in a loving kindness meditation to increase feelings of empathy and connection with all beings.
For zen meditation practitioners, this app includes a simple timer which rings a bell every few minutes, so you can meditate for 10, 20, or 30 minutes, etc.
The app works by showing words or phrases on the top of the screen for your in-breath, and on the bottom for out-breath. You can choose from meditations and prayers from various traditions: Christian, Buddhist, Taoist, & secular.
It includes calming ocean wave sounds, customizable breathing pace, indefinite repeat of meditations, support for tablets, and text-to-speech for the visually impaired.
Please email with feature suggestions, bugs, or texts you wish to have added. I try to be responsive to requests.