首頁 應用 教育學習 eSvD

隨時隨地閱讀瑞典報紙Svenska Dagbladet以及您所在的世界任何地方。

僅適合您作為Svenska Dagbladet的訂戶。 With eSvD you get a fully-loaded, updated and easily accessible reading experience in the paper magazine, with a clear beginning and end and a structure you recognize.唯一的區別是缺少紙張。

With eSvD you get access to tomorrow's newspaper at eight o'clock the night before. No matter how you read eSvD , it is easy to jump between different sections of the magazine, read articles as a regular newspaper page or as a readable text page. You can also choose whether you want to read eSvD offline or online, that is, if you want to download the entire newspaper at once or while you are reading.非常適合那些旅行的人。

We hope you enjoy eSvD , we will continue to develop the app to improve your reading experience!


上一次更新於2024年9月12日NYTT I Denna uppdatering:

- buggfixarochförbättringar

viförbättrarappen hela tiden och tar tacksamt comment din反饋。