输入路线,单击按钮,然后通过网络接收您的VFR NAV计算
该应用程序在其VFR前飞行导航计划中有助于飞行员: *通过简单地键入所需航点的列表来创建您的路线 *单击单击以生成您的飞行员日志(PLOG),该日志(PLOG)包括您的路线的所有导航计算。您的plog,met(metars,tafs),notams和navcom频率报告可通过文件下载页面提供。 The URL for this page can be shared (via email, social media, etc.)* PLOG features:-- drift uses the current MET to determine winds aloft for each waypoint along the route-- magnetic heading uses a numerical geomagnetic model to calculate the magnetic deviation -- altimetry (transition levels, flight levels, etc) and performance (density altitudes, freezing altitude, etc) calculations along the route-- solar angle calculations (azimuth and zenith) along the route -- includes fuel consumption profile along the route (including consideration of fuel consumption for initial climb-out, and any en route changes in altitude)-- includes range and endurance estimation for possible diversion* Specify wide range of parameters for the PLOG calculations including altitude profile along the route, airspeed profile along the route, date and time of departure (including UTC offset for local time), waypoint at which the stopwatch is zeroed (eg, to启用plog时间相对于指定的起始航路点进行计算,该路点可能与出发机场不同)。重写该应用程序。与早期版本相比,它已经简化了它,并且不再需要使用Flylogical用户帐户进行注册(尽管仍然支持注册,并且可以启用其他功能,例如访问云中保存的Waypoints等)。