Лучший способ управлять вашим контентом в облаке. Free cloud storage aggregator
Cloud Navigator gives you a unified, easy and secure way to access all of your cloud content regardless which services you use. Наш растущий список поддерживаемых облачных сервисов включает в себя Amazon Cloud Drive, Box, Copy.com, Dropbox, Evernote, Facebook, Flickr, Google Drive, Instagram, Photobucket, Picasa, OneDrive, SugarSync, Yandex и 4shared.
Благодаря мгновенному поиску Cloud Navigator, его легко найти, управлять, получить доступ и поделиться всем контентом на ходу с одним входом в систему ZeroPC, прямо с ваших телефонов Android. Browsing and finding your content from many different cloud services has never been easier.
The app automatically adjusts to your phone or your tablet device (Android version 3.2 and above).
* Connect all your cloud content with ZeroPC Cloud Navigator
Мгновенно и надежно подключается к популярным сервисам-Amazon Cloud Drive, Box, Copy.com, Dropbox, Evernote, Facebook, Flickr, Google Drive, Instagram, Photobucket, Picasa, OneDrive, Sughersync, Yandex или 4shared-используя единый регистр и отраслевой стандарт Oauth (пароль не хранится в ZeroPC).
С учетной записью Premium вы можете получить доступ к нескольким учетным записям от каждого поставщика услуг, таких как Dropbox, для управления вашей работой и личными учетными записями под одной виртуальной крышей.
* Intuitive navigation & easy content access
Quickly navigate to different cloud services or browse all of your content by type. ZeroPC aggregates and organizes all your files by type such as Document, Photos, Music, and Videos. Browsing your content from many different cloud services has never been easier. View and access documents and notes, browse photos, play music, watch videos and more all on your Android phone. Open, download and share any content on the go.
* Powerful universal search:
Easily search your content across all your connected cloud services! Find and access everything using keyword or name search, whether it is a folder from Dropbox, a document from OneDrive, or photos from Flickr. Your search results are automatically sorted by content category - Document, Photos, Music or Videos for easy access.
* Create my 'Collections':
«Коллекция» - это виртуальная папка, которой вы можете использовать для агрегирования любых файлов или папок из разных облачных сервисов для быстрого и легкого доступа и обмена. Each time you add files or folder to a “Collection”, it is like tagging them to this “Collection” without making a separate copy. You can create as many “Collections” as you wish, and share them instantly with friends, colleagues and family. Organizing and sharing your content made easy with my “Collections” from 16+ integrated services.
* Quick Share
Вы можете легко выбрать любой файл, папку или фотоальбом из любых подключенных сервисов и поделиться ими по безопасной ссылке через ваши любимые приложения Android. You can track how many times your link has been viewed and can unshare your content anytime. It's super easy to share your photos, documents or even folders on-the-go in one convenient place.
* Security and Privacy
ZeroPC Cloud Navigator is safe to use. ZeroPC is compliant with all built-in security of the third party services such as Dropbox, OneDrive and Box. We use industry standard and widely adopted encrypted token-based security technique called “OAuth”. The app also provides optional 4-digit PIN protection on your mobile device.
* Your FREE personal lifetime Cloud Desktop; access it directly from the tablet Cloud Navigator app
When you sign up using ZeroPC Cloud Navigator you get a Free ZeroPC Cloud Desktop, turning your browser into a fully-functional cloud desktop. ZeroPC gives you 1GB of free cloud storage, plus integrated access up to an additional free 100+GB from popular cloud storage services.
To access your Free ZeroPC Cloud Desktop account, just use the same login credential to sign in by going to www.zeropc.com. All you need is a browser!