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Я загружаю. Быстрый.

LoaderDroid - это построенный диспетчер Download Manager, созданный для платформы Android. Он поддерживает любой тип файла для загрузки: видео, изображения, музыка, приложения, все. And all this is accomplished whilst having a very small footprint on your Androids resources.

Сделайте свои загрузки умными, эффективными, надежными и простыми.

With a user friendly Interface in our "light" or "dark" color schemes available, and notification bar progress interface, you can download what you want (Any file type supported), when you want it (Schedule your downloads), and stay informed on your downloads progress in real time.

Вот некоторые из функций, которые вы можете ожидать от LoaderDroid.

Основные моменты:

* Воспрометимые загрузки (продолжите загрузки из того же места, что было прервано)

* Авто пауза, когда ваше соединение потеряно

* Автоматическое резюме, когда ваше соединение появится

* Перехватывает ссылки из вашего браузера Android и других приложений

* Вы можете определить, какое соединение разрешено для каждой ссылки (Wi-Fi, 3G и т. Д.)

* Faster downloading by splitting the download into parts

* Планирование

* Функция замены ссылки для устаревших ссылок

* Стабильный, быстрый и простой в использовании

It solves many problems with the standard Android Browser, which is sometimes unable to download certain file types (including e-books, video streams, audio, applictions, zip files, etc.)

It may also help load video streams from your favorite websites (for example, the website doesn't natively support downloading and only displays in video player).

Just click on any downloadable link in the Android Browser and select LoaderDroid from the list of applications. Or you can share a link to LoaderDroid using the Android sharing feature.

Also you can click on the "plus" button in the action bar and enter the link manually (by typing or pasting).

And finally you can use embedded browser into LoaderDroid, it automatically detects loadable links as soon as you click on them.

LoaderDroid makes downloading any files, however small or huge, worry free. It's just a matter of time and the available space on your SD-Card.

LoaderDroid supports resumable downloading, so don't worry if you lose your connection or pause a download halfway. LoaderDroid will resume downloading right where it left off the moment your connection is restored.

Using your Android on the go? Без проблем. Specify what connection you would like to use to download any file individually and rid yourself from the worries of carrier charges. Whether its Wi-Fi at home and 3G on the move, your download will auto pause when you leave your Wi-Fi and resume the moment you're back home.

For most servers, LoaderDroid will load your download in 3 threads: Sometimes this increases downloading speed up to 3 times.

LoaderDroid was designed to be smart. It wont use any type of your Android devices resources if it's not necessary.

This application is ad-supported, if you don't like ads, you want to support the development, or have additional pro features, please buy a license key at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zloy.android.downloader.activator

Please follow/like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LoaderDroid

UI & Art design by Dmitry Il'chenko aka artedgecreative (http://artedgecreative.deviantart.com)

Что нового в последней версии 1.0.1

Last updated on Sep 2, 2016 Ver 1.0
* Marshmellow permissions
* Automatic mode for choosing number of connections based on internet speed
* Check for name duplicates in auto add mode (possibility to update link on duplicate name)
* Added auto sleep mode when battery is low
* Added support for writing on external SDcard for KitKat and later
* Added new options to the Browser:
** Do not load images
** Do not allow javascript
** Request desktop site