Repelir o enxame de invadir intrusos. A crazy horror trap tower defense comedy.
Proteja a família dos tesouros das trevas
Liderar os Busters desconcertantes em defesa contra o
swarm of intruders raiding the dark family treasures.
• caracteres únicos •
Casca de banana, rolagem ... 28 caracteres no total.
Personagens estranhos com ações engraçadas.
Trabalhe o melhor local para suas habilidades.
• Habilidades •
Obtenha novos personagens quando você limpa um nível.
Use their unique skill to repel the next wave.
Different families have different skills. Qual você vai escolher?
• Os invasores parecem familiares? •
Um certo caçador de tesouros famosos ... outros invasores familiares!?
Raiders have unique skills too, to the dismay of the busters.
Serão necessárias defesas bem colocadas para repelir os invasores fortemente equipados.
• Complete a enciclopédia da escuridão •
The characteristics of the family of darkness, raiders and the Bewildered Busters are all recorded in the encyclopedia of darkness
Use o conhecimento encontrado na enciclopédia para encontrar a melhor maneira de repelir os Raiders.
• História •
In the world of darkness is a special organization call the Bewildering Busters.
Their mission is to drive away humanity, and protect the family of darkness.
Recently, a law was passed that humans may not be injured.
The Busters can only use traditional frightening techniques.
Lead the busters, and complete the all the missions.
• Custo •
Free up to chapter 2 episode 1
• Trap List •
Evil Banana peel
Metal Washtub
Suit of Armor
Censer incense burner
Black cat
Gravestone tombstone
Wolfman werewolf
Caldeirão da bruxa
Haunted stele
Ancient Egyptian painting
Ka statue
Boulder trap
Strangling seaweed
Boxing Mantis Shrimp
Merman reverso
Sea urchin
Cursed hanging scroll
Moldy hamper
Samurai armor
Spider Web
Minotaur aust
Cockroach house
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