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10 melhores sementes de Fortnite Lego

Autor: Anônimo Data de Atualização: March 16, 2025

It's important to ensure that you get the best start in your Lego Fortnite journey. You can use these seeds to make sure that you get the start you are looking for and do not get held back by RNG. So, here are the best Lego Fortnite seeds.

Desert Cave Fiesta

Seed: 0505050505

If you are looking for a world with a lot of Dry Valley caves for resources like Flexwood and Brightcore, then you can try this seed out. The caves are still quite distant from spawn, but the journey is worth it, as you can get a lot of good stuff from these caves. However, be prepared for the harsh weather of the Desert and make sure to grab the necessary items to survive the trip.

Lastly, Dry Valley caves aren't the only great thing about this seed. You also spawn near the Frostland biome, which is also filled with a lot of loot.

Biomes Unlocked

Seed: 2057675991

If you are looking for a well-rounded seed, then you can try this one. It offers easy access to all three major biomes. It allows you to easily explore Grasslands, Frostlands, and Dry Valleys without having to go too far from spawn.

This means that you can get all the resources you want without having to walk very far. Overall, it's a balanced seed that gives you a solid start.

Resource Haven

Seed: 0546842765

If you are a beginner and want to start off in a good world, then consider trying this seed. As the name suggests, this seed is abundant in basic resources. You will find plentiful wood, stone, and food sources right near spawn.

There are also some caves nearby that can be good sources of ores and other resources. Esta é uma semente ideal para iniciantes, pois permite que você explore o que o lego Fortnite é tudo sem ter que se preocupar muito em reunir e agricultura.

Exploration Enhanced

Seed: 06450453373

Lego Fortnite is all about exploration, and this seed focuses on that. You will easily find watchtowers and caves right near spawn, giving you a solid start.

If your previous worlds had bad RNG, then you will like this one because there is so much stuff to explore here. You also have a lot of plant and tree life near spawn, so food and building resources are plentiful.

If you like the exploration part of Lego Fortnite , then you will love this seed.

Shoreline Resource Hunt

Seed: 0942418202

This seed combines shoreline exploration with cave resource gathering. As the name suggests, you spawn near the shoreline, giving you a scenic view and a great place to build your base. There are a lot of basic resources around to get your early base started.

As you explore, you will also find a handful of caves to loot. In short, this seed offers a blend of exploration, resource-gathering, and combat. It gives you a well-rounded Lego Fortnite experience.

Related: How To Stay Warm in LEGO Fortnite

Lakeside View

Seed: 1820364159

Lakeside is similar to Shoreline Seed, but instead of spawning near the shore, you spawn near a giant and beautiful lake. It gives you the perfect spot to build your dream base and the resources required to do so.

Apart from that, this seed offers everything you'd expect from a top seed: easy access to all biomes, plentiful caves, and basic resources.

Cave Party

Seed: 2074462235

As cavernas são uma das coisas mais importantes no Lego Fortnite , mas, diferentemente de outros jogos de sandbox, onde você pode cavar até encontrar uma caverna, aqui você precisa encontrar os gerados naturalmente. However, if you get a bad seed, finding one can be difficult and frustrating.

Well, this seed basically fixes that. You spawn around so many caves that you will get tired of exploring each. You can get very early access to key resources, allowing you to progress quickly.


Seed: 776776776

The Surrounded seed offers early access to the Frostlands and Dry Valley biome. À medida que você avança no jogo, você fará muitas viagens a esses biomas e, se estiverem longe, pode se tornar um aborrecimento ir e voltar.

This seed spawns you near both biomes, eliminating the traveling problem. Overall, it's a well-rounded seed to start your world on.

País das maravilhas do inverno

Seed: 0195463284

O Bioma Frostlands em Lego Fortnite não é apenas importante em termos de recursos e progressão do jogo, mas também é um dos biomas mais legais a explorar (sem trocadilhos). Well, this seed basically spawns you near the Frostlands biome.

You can easily find all the resources you need from the Frostlands and explore caves while you are there.

Something of Everything

Seed: 1344392628

Maybe all you need is a seed that has a bit of everything, a good number of caves, easily accessible biomes, and a good spawn point. If that's the case, then you can try this seed. As the name suggests, this is an all-rounder seed that has a good balance of RNG, ensuring you start great.

Se você está planejando fazer um mundo em que estará afundando muitas horas, é uma ótima idéia usar uma semente equilibrada como esta para garantir que você possa encontrar tudo facilmente.

And those are the best Lego Fortnite seeds.

Fortniteis disponível para tocar em várias plataformas, incluindo o Meta Quest 2 e 3.