Oracle / MySQL / MSSQL Sql Client / Worksheet for your Database
SQL Worksheet and Query Client for Oracle / MySQL and MSSQL Databases
This app was developed as a private tool for accessing databases from Android devices.
Primarily, the development was designed for Oracle databases.
It is provided free of charge and does not claim to compete with professional tools.
No warranty is provided for any damage that may result from the handling of this app.
The use of this app is at your own risk.
Como este aplicativo armazena seus dados no sistema de arquivos e, portanto, possui uma função do navegador de arquivos, este aplicativo requer acesso a todos os diretórios no sistema de arquivos.
Essa funcionalidade oferece a possibilidade de armazenar seus SQLs e dados selecionados em qualquer diretório e também para importar SQLs criados externamente para o editor do aplicativo para poder executar consultas mais complexas que são difíceis de criar com um aplicativo Android.
My app will not read, change, delete or otherwise use any of your data from the file system in any way without your consent.
No Android 10 e Superior, meu FileManager interno agora é substituído pelas funções padrão do Android Open and Save File, porque o Google não permite "gerenciar todos os arquivos" no meu aplicativo. for this i do not need "manage all files" anymore but some features are lost about this change like setting a default directory and such things.
Main Functions of this app:
- create sql statements
- unlimited resultset rows
- size of a resultset is only limited by your memory
- save/load sql statements in/from textfiles
- fix columns in a result set
- sort columns in a result set
- use dynamic variables like &input
- syntax highlight
- sql beautifier
- create explain plans
- export data to csv
- export and copy data to clipboard
- manipulation sql's like 'insert' or 'update'
RoSQL should be used in a secure network like a vpn network or a local secured network, because the traffic isn't encrypted !
MSSQL is only implemented for Android 5 and higher, not for Android 4.4.
On Android 11 or higher you have give the app file read and write permissions in your android phone settings. see special app rights on your phone. it seems to be different to set for different phones/android versions.
There is a problem (ORA-12705) with NLS (Oracle and thin client) for some countries. Se o seu telefone ou tablet tiver um idioma (por exemplo, cirílico), isso não for suportado, você poderá tentar alterar o local na janela de configurações para "nós" (caixa de seleção para uma conexão padrão dos EUA). it seems to be a oracle express problem, on tests with oracle standard/enterprise databases i do not have this connect errors.
Este cliente Oracle SQL usa uma conexão V8 fina direta para o Android 4.4 ND inferior e uma conexão V11 direta V11 para Android 5 e superior ao seu banco de dados!
- Android 5 User and higher no longer have to set compatibilty mode 8 for Oracle
- Android 4.4 User and lower have to set compatibility mode 8 (oracle10 and above) as described below:
for Oracle12c connections please set in sqlnet.ini (Server) SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION_SERVER=8
for databases equal oracle10g or 11g: SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION=8
you can download still a version for Android 4.4 and lower, but it will no longer be maintained.
if your db-admin doesn't allow you direct thin connections (v8 or v11) from a Client, this app can't connect to your oracle database !
tested connections: oracle9i, oracle10g, oracle11g, oracle12c, mysql 5.5, mssql server 2016