Início aplicativo Aprendizagem educacional Pedro Granado

Application of Pedro Granado Imobiliária

Pedro Granado

Allows access to owners, lessors, renters and guarantors.

Allows PUSH notifications.

For owners

Access to documents, occurrences, commercial actions, cadastral changes, create promotions for your real estate, yield report, accountability, among others.

For Lessors

Access to the analytical of the rent, extract, occurrences, documents, cadastral changes, rendering of accounts among others.

For renters

Access to the analytical of the rent, ticket, documents, occurrences, cadastral changes among others.

For the guarantors

Access to the analytical of the rent, ticket, documents, occurrences among others.

What's New in the Latest Version 3.0.62

Last updated on Mar 6, 2025 Seu app cada vez melhor: confira o que mudou!
Correção aplicada na navegação de notificações.
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