Início aplicativo Aprendizagem educacional Learn Android Apps Development

Make Social and Geolocated Android Apps.

Este curso de treinamento o guiará através da criação de um aplicativo Social+Geolocated Android que se integra ao Facebook, Twitter e API do Google Maps.

*Things you will learn in this course*

✔ Installing the Android SDK and setting up Eclipse for Android app development.

✔ Creation and file structure of an Android project.

✔ Using SQLite databases in your mobile apps.

✔ Create professional User Interfaces such as menus, buttons and action bar menus.

✔ Organize your code using the Model-View-Controller pattern and other industry best practices.

✔ Make your apps social using the Facebook and Twitter SDK's

✔ Add location to your app using the Google Maps API

✔ Deploy your app and publish it to the Google Playstore

There are PDF summary guides for each chapter with the key points and UML diagrams of the classes showcased in the videos.

You will also get the full source code of the Social Notes app, which you can use as a starting point for your own projects!


• Basic knowledge of Java and Object Oriented Programming are strongly recommended.

• Some familiarity with the Eclipse IDE will certainly be of help.

*O que você aprenderá*

SECTION 1: Setup Your Dev Environment

SECTION 2: Showcasing Social Notes

SECTION 3: Introduction to Android

SECTION 4: The Model

SECTION 5: The View

SECTION 6: The Controller

SECTION 7: Facebook Integration

SECTION 8: Twitter Integration

SECTION 9: Google Maps API

SECTION 10: Publish and Sell Your Apps

SECTION 11: Course Evaluation Survey


- Acesso ao longo da vida a 19 palestras

- 2+ hours of high quality content

- A community of 6900+ people trying to learn the same thing!

- Assista a cursos em movimento: palestras em vídeo, palestras de áudio, apresentações, artigos e qualquer coisa dentro do seu curso.

- Assista a cursos em offline: salve cursos para visualização offline para que você possa assisti -los enquanto estiver em um avião ou metrô!

Instructed By: Pablo Farias Navarro & Mohit Deshpande

Pablo is a web + mobile app developer and entrepreneur. Pablo is the founder of ZENVA. Além de ensinar on -line como criar jogos, aplicativos e sites para mais de 50.000 estudantes, a Pablo criou conteúdo para empresas como Amazon e Intel.

Mohit Deshpande has been doing Java programming for 6 years and Android programming for 4 years. Eu tenho um aplicativo na Google Play Store chamada Equações, que é uma ferramenta útil para os alunos nos campos de física, matemática e química. I have worked at Zenva Inc creating a set of tutorial videos on how Java developers can become Android developers.

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