Início aplicativo Compras on -line GCheck

GCheck - Barcode scanning tool check product origin

Consumers really want to know product information before deciding to purchase. Procurando ajudar os consumidores, desenvolvemos aplicativos GCheck Ajuda os clientes a digitalizar o código de barras para obter mais informações sobre o produto e o fabricante

Why can GCheck help identìfy goods?

- Firstly: All businesses must register the barcode and are licensed by GS1 to get a barcode number for their products. Business with unregistered barcode is not a strictly business.

- Secondly: A quality of good barcode, symbol of product is printed in a good package,easy identification, quick reading.

- Thirdly: A credible product has the adequate, clear product information and business information.

Features of unique Barcode Software in Vietnam:

- Identify all types of barcode in Vietnam and international areas.

- Display the product information, manufacturer, contact address and phone number...

- View the history list of all your past scans.

- Save the list of products in shops, supermakets.

- Send comment about products to everyone.

With GCheck application, you can go shopping and become a successful customer!

O que há de novo na versão mais recente 2.2.0

Last updated on Sep 4, 2015 - Update Modern GUI
- More Info Production