Início aplicativo Boletim social FRITZ!App Fon

Telephone calls over the landline - with your smartphone and the FRITZ!App Fon

Chamada fácil com a rede fixa

Faça chamadas em casa convenientemente usando seu smartphone sobre os números de telefone folhosos - em qualquer lugar da rede Wi -Fi da sua caixa Fritz! With the FRITZ!App Fon you benefit from the landline rates; for many providers even from flat rate telephony . HD telephony provides for crystal clear voice quality. Thanks to support for Bluetooth headsets you can enjoy complete flexibility for everyday calling and for working from home. The latest technologies mean that the FRITZ!App Fon works invisibly in the background no matter what the battery status.

The FRITZ!App Fon guides you through the easy Configuration . Basta fazer login inserindo a senha da caixa Fritz! Once it has been configured, the FRITZ!App Fon makes your smartphone ring immediately for incoming calls , just as if it were a FRITZ!Fon, the intelligent all-rounder for your home network with FRITZ!. As chamadas recebidas andem simultaneamente em seus telefones e smartphones. Você decide qual dispositivo deve atender a chamada. If you would like your smartphone to ring only for certain landline telephone numbers, select only these numbers in the settings of FRITZ!App Fon .

The FRITZ!App Fon is the ideal telephony extension for your FRITZ!Box. Be it a handset for the new roommate in your shared apartment, an additional telephone for working from home, or the convenience of the smartphone that's always handy: with the FRITZ!App Fon you always have a practical solution in no time at all. It is easy to use the FRITZ!App Fon on multiple smartphones.

FRITZ!App Fon functions at a glance

Faz chamadas telefônicas sobre o telefone fixo com seu smartphone

Qualidade de voz superior graças à telefonia HD

Suporta fones de ouvido Bluetooth

Acesse os livros telefônicos nos contatos Fritz! Box e Smartphone

Exibe os nomes dos contatos conhecidos durante as chamadas

O que há de novo na versão mais recente 2.12.4

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