
Godzilla X Kong Titan Chasers 계층 목록

저자: 익명의 업데이트 시간: March 17, 2025

Godzilla X Kong Titan Chasers에서 팀을 만들 수있는 20 가지가 넘는 캐릭터가 있습니다. This makes selecting the best ones out of so many options quite different. So, to help you with that, we've compiled a detailed character tier list so you can understand which characters are worth investing in.

All Characters Ranked - Godzilla x Kong Titan Chasers Tier List

에스 Sporefly Queen, Skullcralwer, Vale
에이 Magma Jackal, Isha, Hazard, Chae-Yeong
Young Sirenjaw, Coralmouth, Death Jackal, Daniel, Aurora, Reagan
기음 Rockclaw Grub, Ciara, Axel, Mei, Kenzo
Sporefly Soldier, Leafwing, Skullant, Tom

The above tier list gives you an overall view of every character currently available in Godzilla x Kong Titan Chasers. The S tier characters are the best ones that you should get on your roster. 반대로 D-Tier 캐릭터는 팀에서 가질 수있는 최악의 캐릭터입니다.

좋은 S 또는 이와 유사한 캐릭터가없는 경우 A-Tier 캐릭터에 투자하여 더 높은 별으로 깨어날 수 있습니다. Investing in lower-tier C or D tier companions is a complete waste of resources, so it's better to avoid them.

S Tier Characters - Best Characters in Godzilla x Kong Titan Chasers

성격 유형 장단점

Sporefly Queen
Subspecies + Best Tank-subspecies in the game.
+ Insanely strong Special ability and AoE basic attack.
+ Can reduces allies' damage taken by 40% for multiple turns.

(Damage Dealer)
Subspecies + One of the highest Damage dealer subspecies.
+ Great burst potential and DPS on basic attack.
+ Strong AoE as well as CC on Special Ability.

체이서 + One of the best Tank chasers in the game.
+ Every strong AoE potential on basic attack.
+ Reduces DMG by 40% on allies, like Sporefly Queen.

계층 캐릭터

성격 유형 장단점

Magma Jackals
(Damage Dealer)
Subspecies + Very high DPS damage dealer subspecies.
+ Decently high burst potential on basic attack.
+ Inflicts Stun CC on Special, but no AoE.

체이서 + One of the best debuffers in the game.
+ Good single-target basic with slow CC effects.
+ Strong special ability with AoE and massive 50% SPD reduction.

체이서 + A well-balanced tank chaser.
+ Tons of AoE on both basic as well as special.
+ Can taunt enemies upon using special ability.

(Damage Dealer)
체이서 + Highest burst damage dealer chaser in the game.
+ Massive burst DPS and single target on all attacks.
+ Can also inflict Slow as well as DMG Increase on enemies.

B 계층 캐릭터

성격 유형 장단점

Young Sirenjaw
Subspecies + One of the strong tank subspecies.
+ Can deal decent AoE as well as burst on skills.
- Can CC one enemy, but also inflicts self with CC.

Coral Mouth
(Damage Dealer)
Subspecies + Decently strong damage dealing subspecies.
+ Can self buff as well as heal upon dealing damage.
- DPS is lackluster. Needs a lot of promotion.

Death Jackals
(Damage Dealer)
Subspecies + Decent single-target damage dealers.
+ Ideal for PvE and bosses with good burst potential.
- Lacks any kind of AoE or CC in skillset.

체이서 + One of the best support chasers in the game.
+ Can inflict Slow using Basic and heals team using Special ability.
- Lacks DPS, and needs a good tank to survive.

(Damage Dealer)
체이서 + One of the highest DPS damage dealers.
+ Good best on Basic and AoE on Special ability.
- Balanced, but lacks CC or buffs.

(Damage Dealer)
체이서 + Decent damage dealer chaser.
+ Can inflict burst as well as AoE on special ability.
- No CC in skillset. Very squishy in general.

C 계층 문자

성격 유형 장단점

Rockclaw Grub
(Damage Dealer)
Subspecies + Decently good DPS subspecies.
+ Subpar burst damage on skillset with CC on special.
- Taunts enemies on using skill. Dies very quickly.

체이서 + Subpar support chaser.
+ Generates two AP on basic, and can inflict slow and blind on special.
- Very low DPS, with no AoE.

(Damage Dealer)
체이서 + Decently high damage dealing chaser.
+ Strong burst potential with Frozen debuff on special.
- Lacks any kind of AoE. Low defense.

(Damage Dealer)
체이서 + Subpar damage dealer and debuffer.
+ Good against bosses because she can inflict Poison on special.
- Lacks any kind of AoE. Very easy to kill.

체이서 + Decent early game tank chaser.
+ Can buff allies' ATK and taunt enemies.
- Lacks good DPS. Buff isn't very good.

D 계층 문자

유형 장단점

Sporefly Soldier
Subspecies + Can heal decently and slow enemies by 35% on using Special.
- Lacks DPS and no AoE potential.
- AP cost of using Special is high. Very easily killed.

Skull Ant
(Damage Dealer)
Subspecies + Has both Burst as well as AoE in skillset.
- Very low DPS for a damage dealer.
- Can inflict burn, but redundant because of low DPS.

Subspecies + Decent healer and debuffer subspecies.
- Lacks any kind of AoE and low DPS.
- Lackluster Debuffs with only 30% reduction in speed at best.

체이서 + Decent healer, can heal up to 35% HP on using special.
- No AoE or debuffs on any skills.
- Lackluster DPS, not viable in the late game.

Tier Lists에 대한 자세한 내용은 Sepia Tier List & Reroll Guide의 Enigma 또는 Ragnarok Idle Adventure + Tier List & Reroll Guide on Pro Game Guide의 Enigma를 확인하십시오!