
결정 마법사 웨스트 초보자 가이드

저자: 익명의 업데이트 시간: March 16, 2025

처음으로 Wizard West로 뛰어 들면 첫 번째 Harry Potter 영화에서 그 배경 캐릭터 어린이 중 하나 인 것 같은 느낌이들 것입니다. 절대적으로 Clueless. But with our help, you'll be casting Avada Kedavra and all other funky spells in no time! Scroll down for our definitive Wizard West beginner's guide .

Wizard West Essential Controls List

  • Equip Wand: R
  • Fly With Broom: F
  • Open Spell Inventory: ~
  • Interact: E
  • Cast Spells: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - Z - X - C - V

Wizard West Basics - How to Earn Money & Progress

Your main goal in Wizard West is to make money as fast as possible and get all the best spells, equipment and wands the game has to offer. You earn money by killing enemies (NPCs and players) and selling trinkets and artifacts you collect from chests and steal from banks.

훔칠 적과 물건을 찾으려면, 먼저, 먼저, 기본적으로 사용 가능한 주문 (기본적으로 사용 가능하고 왼쪽의 인벤토리에 장비)을 사용하거나 빗자루 (F)를 사용하여 비행 (F)을 사용하여 맵의 빨간색/베이지 색 느낌표 또는 주황색 $ 기호 중 하나를 사용하여 비행합니다 (Aworo가 자동으로 열리거나 왼쪽의지도를 클릭 할 수 있음).

Red exclamation marks represent PvE encounters that don't get you a bounty and are perfectly safe to do. 그들은 당신이 적대적인 NPC를 죽여야하며, 당신이 그들 모두를 죽인 후에 가슴이 생길 것입니다.

Beige exclamation marks and orange $ symbols represent encounters where you earn a bounty and become targetable by all other players . They require you to either kill NPCs and collect a chest (same as red marks) or steal stuff. They also have much better rewards because of the extra risk. To start one of these, you first need to enter their area, which is marked by a red barrier .

Finally, to sell the trinkets you acquired, you need to visit one of the vendor places , which are marked by green $ signs on the map . If you have a bounty, it's best you sell trinkets as soon as possible because you'll lose them if you die.

How to Get and Equip Spells in Wizard West

To equip and unequip spells and equipment, click on the Inventory button on the left. You can have at most 4 Spells , 3 Utility Spells , and 2 Wild Magics equipped. Brooms, wands, and equipment (hat, body, cape) all have designated slots. If an equipment piece gives bonus stats, that'll be displayed after you click on it in your inventory.

To get new spells, click on Spells on the left. Here, you'll have several tiers of spell trees, each containing unique spells and equipment. Tier I spell trees are unlocked by default, and to unlock the next tiers, you need to accumulate 10 upgrade levels in the previous tier. The equipment you get from the trees is mostly cosmetic and doesn't provide extra stats.

Best Beginner Spells - Which Spell Trees to Upgrade

Most spells you'll unlock in Wizard West, especially the ones in Tier I and II, are useless. So, it's important you spend your money wisely, and if you do, your progression will be much smoother. 다음은 각 계층에 대해 취해야 할 주문 트리 업그레이드의 정확한 순서입니다 (Wizard West Spells Tier 목록을 확인하십시오.

  • Tier I (Aquarcia, Lasso)
    • Aquamancer : Level 4
    • Patrolman : Level 4
    • Excavator : Level 1
    • Wayfarer : Level 1
  • Tier II (Frigidus, Bolt, Haste, Glacius, Voceralea, Vocare Halberda)
    • Snatcher : Level 1
    • Duelist : Level 3
    • Frostbinder : Level 5
    • Cutthroat : Level 1
  • Tier III (Protego, Vocare Enarma, Vocare Machinam, Tempestia Incarnata)
    • Light Bearer : Level 1
    • Ironblood : Level 4
    • Stormcaller : Level 6

이 모든 것을 잠금 해제 한 후에는 최고의 Tier IV 주문을 얻는 것이 목표이며, 원한다면 이전 계층에서 잠금 해제되지 않은 모든 것을 얻을 수 있습니다. Considering how much money you'll need for the Tier IV spells, getting all the previous ones first might not be a bad idea. It gives you more stuff to play with.

How to Get New Wands, Equipment & Brooms in Wizard West

To get new wands , you'll need to roll on the Wands Lootbox gacha , which you can access by clicking Wands on the left. Each pull costs 100 Scrolls , which you get for killing enemies and completing activities.

반면에 장비빗자루를 얻으려면 게임 내 상자 (활동 완료에 대한 보상) 또는 뱅크를 강탈하고 인공물을 훔쳐야합니다 . The chance to get a broom/equipment piece is fairly low, though illegal activities have a higher chance of dropping them.

How to Get and Clear Bounty in Wizard West

Wizard West에서는 PVP , Beige 느낌표가있는지도 에 표시된 PVE와 같은 악의적 인 활동주황색 $ 기호 로 표시된 강탈 은행에 대한 현상금이 있습니다. To clear your bounty, do one of the following:

  • Unequip your wand, toggle PvP on the left, and wait for 25 seconds (it doesn't always work).
  • Collect the Crown of Nobility from the Royal Keep. This is a powerful item you can use to dominate the map if you want.
  • Die and serve time in jail .

How to Mine Ore in Wizard West

Mining is arguably the most unimportant mechanic in Wizard West right now. To do it, you'll need the Level 1 Excavator spell Vocare Pickaxe . Once you equip the spell and activate it, you'll equip a pickaxe. Then, find the ore veins located around the map and hit them with M1s to extract the ore. Ore veins usually spawn inside caves and close to buildings .

Well, that does it for our ultimate Wizard West beginner's guide. If you follow the tips we outlined, you'll be a fully fledged shadow wizard in no time! Also, for more guides for this and other similar experiences, bookmark the Roblox section here on PGG.