Break Into the World of Snooker!
Snooker Live Pro - recommended by snooker champions
Terima tantangannya! Play Snooker Live Pro and become the next Riga Masters 2016 Winner Judd Trump or China Open 2016 Winner Neil Robertson. Dalam aplikasi baru yang menarik ini oleh Gamedesire ™ Anda akan mendapatkan pengalaman permainan snooker kehidupan nyata untuk semua level Feel Like Champion. Sebagai pemain Pro Snooker Anda dapat menantang pemain terbaik dan pergi untuk istirahat maksimal 147 - skor game online yang sempurna!
Advanced, Intuitive & Precise Snooker Game Controls
Snooker Live Pro provides a professional billiards game platform that supports all player levels, complete with precision aiming capabilities that easily improve your aim and accuracy. Sebagai pemain snooker profesional, Anda akan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip fisika kehidupan nyata dalam setiap bidikan di meja snooker dalam game multiplayer unik ini. Kendalikan penuh atas bidikan snooker Anda bahkan saat bergerak.
Jika Anda baru atau pro di permainan snooker, berlatihlah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan snooker Anda! The game's practice mode allows you to practice your unique and advanced shots and test your skills.
Snooker Live Pro – Snooker Tables & Snooker Rules!
While most online Billiard games out there are a mix of snooker and pool games, Snooker Live Pro is the real thing! Played on larger pool tables, equipped with smaller pockets and a rack of 15 red snooker balls and six colored balls. As a pro snooker player, your objective will be to leave your opponent with no possible moves.
Play Multiple Game Modes
Uji keterampilan pro snooker Anda melawan teman -teman Anda dalam pertandingan cepat, ambil bagian dalam turnamen yang menantang atau berikan Tabel Snooker ahli mencoba meningkatkan peringkat snooker Anda. Collect prizes with each achievement and progress further in the game with the perfect selection of pro snooker cues. Snooker Live Pro allows you to keep track of statistics and progression history.
Real live experience, feel like Dafabet Masters champion.
★ Fisika yang realistis
★ Beautiful display, smooth in 60 FPS
★ 6-red mode to play snooker faster
★ Precision aiming
★ Expert mode
★ Practice mode
★ 8 player tournaments
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