Get ready to rattle those chains!The fine sport of disc golf in arcade game.
In FORE! Disc Golf you play through 9-hole-courses with unique, challenging layouts and changing weather conditions. Courses vary in layout, difficulty and PAR-score required to complete in order to proceed to next course. Arcade -style gameplay with simple controls are, as always, easy to learn but hard to master.
If you are familiar with Disc Golf in real life, you already know how this works. You start each hole from teepad and your goal is to get disc to basket with the fewest number of throws. Simple as that.
FEATURES (so far):
- Entertaining gameplay with simple controls
- Quick tutorial to get you started
- Neat physics engine
- 2 discs to choose from, (Driver and Mid range) both with unique physics features
- Random weather conditions (rain, snow, wind)
- 4 courses (Easy - 2 x Intermediate - Hard)
- Ace-mode (you only got 1 shot to complete each hole)
- Google Leaderboards
- Prestasi
- Game physics engine can be pretty demanding, so fairly new device is recommended.
- Resolution 720p or above is strongly recommended
Ads & Stuff:
Game ini gratis untuk diunduh dan semua konten saat ini tersedia tanpa pembelian dalam aplikasi tetapi harap dicatat bahwa akan ada iklan.
Dengan bermain dan menerima iklan, Anda membantu dan mendorong pengembang seperti saya untuk terus memperbarui game -game ini, jadi terima kasih atas pengertian dan bahkan lebih besar terima kasih atas dukungan Anda!
This game is created by my one-man-team** (yours truly) and F!DG is also my first published mobile game, done mostly by trial and error.
That being said, it's quite possible that you will run in to some bugs or other oddities. In case of bugs or crashes, please report to:
I'll keep working on F!DG and will come back with new courses, improved gameplay and other updates as soon as possible.
Until then, thank you for playing, please rate and leave comment or drop me an e-mail.
F! DG hanya akan meminta izin yang sangat penting untuk gameplay (misalnya akses jaringan/Google Play untuk papan peringkat dan iklan, misc./vibrations untuk efek haptic yang keren, dll.)
- F!DG has advertising, no IAP
- In case of bugs, crashes and/or suggestion, please report to me @ [email protected]
- No unnecessary permissions required
- Thank you for playing!
**Special thanks to Veijo600 and Lasse for relentless Beta-testing.
May your drives be long and throw count low!