YouTta -Free WiFi: Bagikan koneksi wifi Anda dengan orang lain dan dapatkan internet gratis
Catatan untuk alasan keamanan Anda tidak dapat menggunakan YouTta dengan Rooted Mobile sekarang
YouTta - WiFi gratis.
Once you've registered a new account, you have to add your access point details and pin it over the map with your accurate location (no one will know this details because it will be stored encrypted in our database) so if anyone in the range done a search he will find this access point that was added by you and he could be able to connect to it without knowing your password so you will get points as a bonus based on how many mega bytes you're offering. Dengan poin -poin ini yang telah Anda dapatkan, Anda akan dapat terhubung ke titik akses WiFi orang lain kapan saja di mana saja di seluruh dunia (area tertutup) dan menikmati menjelajahi internet.