halaman depan aplikasi Hiburan hidup Ultimate Hairstyle Try-On

Ingin gaya rambut selebriti favorit Anda? Bukan masalah!

With The Ultimate Hairstyle Try-On application you can virtually try-on tons of different celebrity hairstyles and hair colors. Simply upload a photo from gallery or take a photo with camera and in seconds you can have your favorite celebrity's hairstyle on your very own photo.

Lupa pergi ke salon rambut. Sekarang Anda dapat menyelesaikan rambut Anda secara virtual di perangkat Anda. Apakah Anda mencari gaya rambut keriting, updo, lurus, pendek atau panjang, aplikasi ini memiliki banyak pilihan untuk dipilih! To add a final touch to your look, you can also decorate your photo with a variety of accessories including sunglasses, hair bands, hats, and earrings. Setelah makeover rambut Anda selesai, Anda dapat mengirim email hasilnya kepada teman -teman Anda, berbagi di Facebook, atau menyimpan tampilan baru Anda ke ponsel/tablet Anda.

Ultimate Hairstyle Try-On is the ultimate hairstyle simulation application! Jadi mengapa tidak menginstal aplikasi ini hari ini dan memberi tahu kami apa yang Anda pikirkan?

★ Fitur ★

✔ Cobalah gaya rambut selebriti di foto Anda sendiri

✔ Pilih dari banyak gaya rambut yang berbeda (misalnya updos, panjang, keriting, bergelombang, pernikahan, pirang, pendek)

✔ 20+ warna rambut untuk dipilih

✔ 100+ item dekorasi (misalnya kacamata hitam, perhiasan, dan banyak lagi)

✔ Sebelum vs. setelah perbandingan

✔ The StyleBrowser allows you to browse thousands of celebrity hairstyles and colors with simple swipe controls.

✔ Tap on any hairstyle to zoom into that particular look. Tap again, to zoom out.

✔ Toggle between two different modes for applying hairstyles and colors

✔ Face adjustment.

✔ Full social sharing options (Email, Facebook)

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★ Cara menggunakan ★

1. Pilih foto

- Select a photo from gallery, take a new photo, or use an existing model

2. Choose a hairstyle and adjust the fit

- Select any hairstyle you want from the gallery. Use the brush tool to adjust the fit.

3. Apply a hair color

- Choose a hair color

4. Decorate Photo

- Hiasi foto Anda dengan berbagai aksesori rambut, perhiasan, kacamata hitam dll.

5. Itu dia!

- HIT Finalisasi untuk melihat sebelum dan sesudah

- Share your new look with friends or bring it with you on your visit to the hair salon!


Q. Celebrity hairstyle doesn't fit my face very well. Apa yang bisa saya lakukan?

A. Pilih alat kuas untuk menyesuaikan gaya rambut.

Q. How do I switch hairstyles?

A. Tap on the arrows to switch between different celebrity hairstyles.

Q. Di mana foto disimpan?

A. Foto yang disimpan dapat ditemukan di folder Modiface di sini:/mnt/sdcard/gambar/modiface/.

✔ Dukungan: Android 2.2 (Froyo) ke Android 4.x (Ice Cream Sandwich & Jelly Bean)

✔ Publisher: ModiFace - the Virtual Makeover experts