halaman depan aplikasi Alat praktis HD Camera for Android

A simple and faster HD camera to capture moments, panorama, quick snap & filters

This is an native android system camera app. HD Camera utilized all advantage of your phone or tablet. Let you snaps quick and easy photos and videos.

Fitur Utama:

- camera and video features

- 3 Mode: Kamera, Perekam Video & Panorama

- Jepit untuk memperbesar

- smart panorama shooting

- penghitung waktu mundur

- Antarmuka pengguna dinamis (telepon/tablet)

- Gambar layar lebar

- Pengaturan kualitas gambar

- Pengaturan white balance (pijar, fluorescent, otomatis, siang hari, berawan)

- Pengaturan mode layar (aksi, malam, matahari terbenam, mainkan)

- Paparan

- Penargetan lokasi

- Kunci volume yang dapat dikonfigurasi

- Photo Callage

- Photo crop and photo editing.

Meskipun di pasar saat ini, ada banyak jenis aplikasi kamera, tetapi kami masih berpikir aplikasi asli Android ini adalah yang paling efisien dan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna. Here only as a supplement for those devices are not installed android native system provides an additional option.


The special permissions for use

1, android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION

HD Camera can remember your photos and videos location if you wish. Other apps can access this information along with your saved images.

2, android.permission.READ_CONTACTS

After you take a photo, you can share with others. HD Camera need to read the contacts information and help you share photos via email, SMS, or other apps.



This app is based on native android camera code, and licensed under the Apache License.

code: https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Camera2

Apache Licens: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html

What's New in the Latest Version

Last updated on Oct 18, 2024 V6.6.5.0
?Improve camera, better recording
?Improve editing, better effects

?Improve editing and gallery, better photos
?Improve some functions, easy to use

?Improve video recording, better videos
?Improve some functions, take photos quickly