Aplikasi tekanan darah yang aman - terbukti sejak 2011 - dibuat di Jerman
Direkomendasikan oleh dokter dan apoteker.
* Dipilih sebagai aplikasi kesehatan terbaik oleh dokter di HealthTap
* Recommended by the German association for kidney patients
* Gesundheit konkret: smart assistant - app-solute useful
* Top 5 medical App at appstar.tv
* Recommendation from the panel of experts at NummerSicher
Now you can have your blood pressure under control everywhere. Track, monitor and store your blood pressure (systolic and diastolic) along with your pulse, blood sugar and more. As a patient tracker the app is recommended for people with hypertension, high blood sugar, diabetes, high blood pressure and who have an increased risk of heart attack, you can even track your body temperature.
A BP Monitor for fast and simple recording that is easy and a real pleasure. Your doctor will be amazed by the chart, which will help him with his diagnosis.
* Easy record and store your systolic and diastolic blood pressure together with your pulse at a given time
* Support of Bluetooth monitoring devices
* Helpful charts and statistics about your arterial pressure that can be commented for future analysis
* Detailed PDF report with chart for a given time range for consultation with your doctor. To email or print
* Multi device usage with synchronization to see your stored blood pressure on the go
* Manage your medicamentation and see how long your meds last
* Secara opsional lebih banyak data viabilitas (pelacak berat, gula darah, suhu tubuh, dalam/output)
* Kalkulator garam dan kalkulator BMI sehingga Anda dapat melacak rasio massa tubuh Anda
* Analisis tekanan darah untuk melawan hipertensi, diabetes dan serangan jantung - untuk kesehatan Anda.
* Anonymous or pseudonymous usage ensuring that no data will be disclosed with third parties. Also with HealthOn code of conduct for trustfully health information in apps (V5.26)
Supported Bluetooth devices:
- Beurer BM 54, BC 57, BM 57, BM 77, BM 85, BC 85
- Crane Connect Bluetooth
- Medisana BW 300 connect, BU 530 connect, BU 550 connect, BU 575 connect, SL 100 connect
- Sanitas (SBC 53, SBM 37, SBM 67)
- Silvercrest SBM 68
- Stayfit
Use with or without free registration. You can make a one-time, free registration; no private data needs to be entered. With your login you can also sync with other devices.
The app needs an internet connection for some features. Offline usage is also possible, but requires a one-time login.
The app supports multi user login and quick switch between the users.
Attention: This app is for storing your blood pressure values. Itu tidak bisa mengukurnya.
Feel free to contact us with your feedback or suggestions at info@ BloodPressureDB .com.
Please leave a review if you like our app. Terima kasih!