Sink ships! Trade! Master the oceans according to your discretion!
Sail together with other captains on the world's oceans and make the sea subject in this fascinating MMORPG. The game is designed for use in landscape format so that you can experience the continents that are known and in detail at that time and in detail in all its splendor.
Visit the account and act valuable and rare goods with other players in hundreds of ports to earn your soldier. On the other hand, why not just start a robbery and enjoy the fruits of the work of others?
Erlange valuable goods by trading with other players or by sinking their merchant ships. The decision lies with you.
Forms alliances with other captains and take it up with even bigger challenges!
Sail with ships from our unique collection over the world's oceans. From historical ships to Hysteric I. Form fleets with other captains and dominate the world's oceans!
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