Berlylgen Drifterden Solles Kazak Title Krastyr!
Create words in Kazakh in Kazakh!
Each task is given 8 letters, which should be formed in Kazakh in Kazakh.
Check your vocabulary
No advertising, spam, no registration! Play in the cargo!
A simple and appropriate interface in the Kazakh language
The game consists of 30 levels with different complexity
Collect scores and find words. Lake 10 Best Players Group!
Seats to Slova on Kazakhsmakes from Zhana Buquk!
С каданий нано 8 BUCW, from the cotoridge to resume tasting as онжно Больша слов на казаском язык.
Slovarny Slovarny Slovarny!
Nikakoy reactor, Spama, Registraci! Скачаи and Karacinay igrat!
Простой и одобный растфе на казахском язык!
In Igrech 30 Urouche-blocking blanket.
The hired ball, Razgsvayvayvaya Slova! Popadi in Top 10 Znatokov!
The interface is an Igre to Kazakhs.