Home Games Casual Intelligence Secret voice commands

VoiceWalker: Walk through the maze, find the Secret voice commands

VoiceWalker - Secret voice commands

Walk through different levels of the maze by voice control (supported in English and German). Find the right Secret voice commands in each level and solve the puzzle how to cross or pass the walls in order to reach the banner. The game is a new challenge in each level and requires different stategies.

This game consists currently of 9 levels. Levels get activated if you have reached enough scores. More levels will follow soon!! Solution of the first two levels: see webpage

Additionally you can test your English and German skills by selecting speech commands in a foreign language.

Note: For voice commands/automatic speech recognition a internet connection is needed

Note: For optional acoustic prompts, speech data have to be installed on your device fpr the languages English and/or German: Settings->Speech input&output

What's New in the Latest Version 1.2

Last updated on Jul 28, 2016 Version10: improved layout for high resolution displays
Version9: minor fixes
Version8: 9 levels
Version7: select your character
Version 6 with 8 levels
Version 5 with 6 levels and hints how to solve the puzzles
Version 3 with 5 levels