Home Games Casual Intelligence Open NDS Emulator (DS EMU)

NDS (Nintendo DS) Emulator is the best emulator app for android in store!

Open NDS Emulator- the best app base on Nintendo DS system

- Supports Android 2.0+, 2.3.X, 3.X, 4.X

- Multi Touch/Keyboard/Gamepad controller supported

- Move and resize the touch input controls to your liking!

- Load/Browse compressed archives (*.zip, *.7z)

- Nitendo DS System (NDS Emulator)

- Custom ROM directory, RomFetcher support

- PAL support

- Shaders! (hq2x, super eagle, 2xSaI, etc).

This Emulator app is licensed under GPLv2.

You can read GPLv2 license here : http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Open NDS Emulator is based on source code of NDS4DROID , which is also licensed under GPLv2.

You can find source code of Nitendo DS System on github: https://github.com/emmasteimann/nds4droid.git