Anagram Game & General Culture for Revising or Increase Vocabulary.
---> This application is in French!
Stick, cut, pick up the letters to try to find the right word !!
Melilemo Lettres is an educational game for the whole family whose goal is to find the mixed words and cut into letters (a "normal" mode with the cut words letters by letter, a "2 letters" mode with the words cut by group of 2 letters).
If you do not know all the words ... No problem: you can find and enrich your vocabulary since an index is offered to you every 10 seconds if you are blocked.
This free version invites you to discover this new game at the original gameplay, in "classic" mode (find 30 words as quickly as possible) or in "chrono" mode (find the most words in 2 minutes), and gives you the opportunity to choose precise lexical fields from 2 themes or to play random (mixture of all available themes).
Amateurs and amateurs of anagrams, scrabble, mixed words and crosswords: prepare yourself !!!
The paid version includes more than 1,100 words classified in 11 themes, and benefits from regular updates in order to add new lists and new words.
"Pro" version soon available ...