Help Kids to catch Big Cat.
Macanan is board game from Java, Indonesia. Macan mean Tiger. This game is similar to 'Tiger And Goat' board game but different board and rules.
RULES FOR 1 Big Cat & 21 Kids :
- Start by placing 9 Kids on board, then 3 of them removed from board.
- Kids can not be moved till all the Kids are on the board.
- You win by preventing Big Cat from being able to move.
- You lose if Big Cat capture (jump over) 6 kids or more.
- CAUTION: Big Cat can capture (jump over) ODD number.
RULES FOR 2 Big Cats & 10 Kids :
- Kids can not be moved till all the Kids are on the board.
- You win by preventing any Big Cat from being able to move.
- You lose if Big Cat capture (jump over) 6 kids or more.
- CAUTION: Big Cat can capture (jump over) EVEN number.