Impressive use of Ikasordena kids
Ikasordena is an educational game for children aged 6 to 8 to identify the letters of alphaber and learn the letter of the usual Basque words in Basque.
Like other mobile applications for children in suite, the basic Basque language level is required for this game.
App is great to learn to play with your children!
The game is very simple. The little ones will learn immediately:
To get started, choose the favorite topic: daily tools, home things, body parts, food, school, family, clothing, paintings, clothes, paintings or numbers.
Then choose the level of difficulty to go gradually. The more difficult, the more points!
You will see an image in the top part. Under the letters of that word will be without any order and the gaps to place these letters.
You will have less time to guess. If you don't guess, you're not going to pass the other screen: Look at the clock!
When finished, send your score to Rank and compete with your friends.