Home Games Casual Intelligence Hangman Tamil Game - Classic

First Tamil Android Game - Hangman in Tamil with Classic categories

This is your first tamil android game... I developed a famous hangman game with tamil words. You have various categories available to play with,

Names of the World Countries

Names of the Indian States

Names of the Tamilnadu Districts

Names of the Colors

Names of the Trees

Names of the Animals

Names of the Fruits

Names of the Relationships

Names of the Eatables

Names of the Sports

Names of the Birds

Names of the Girls

Names of the Boys

Names of the Rivers

The game is available in two layouts, Wood board and Paper board. The rule is very simple, you gotto save the hangman by choosing the correct tamil letters that forms the appropriate word for the chosen category.

I hope this will help us to improve our memory on tamil words, help kids to learn tamil spellings.

Please provide your valuable comments and feedback. Do not forget to rate the app.

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