Home Games Text Puzzle Guess The Fruit Words

Guess the food with fruitland so simple and easy to play for kids and families.

Welcome to funny amazing fruit. Fruit quest game is an amusing picture puzzle game for kids to learn fruit with fun.

It is so simple and easy to play for kids and families. See how many fruit you can recognize. Guess the picture of fruit match using available mixed letters and try to spell its English name.

Name the fruit in the picture to advance through levels. You can earn coins and spend them with options to skip level, reveal correct letters from fruit's name or remove unused letters.

The quiz starts with the most known amazing fruit like orange, grape. It is like a word puzzle game where you try to type words by selecting the correct letters among mixed letters. See the icons and guess the English name of fruit match and then, tap on the letters in order on the bottom of the screen. If you guess it correct, you get 5 points; if wrong, you cannot see the fruit. It is the most amusing way to learn English names of fruit, parents can install this educational quiz to teach fruit to their children.


- A variety of amazing fruit: orange, melon and other.

- Easy and simple to play for kids and families

- Hints to reveal a letter or remove a wrong letter

- Additional coins by resolving images

- High resolution images

When you get stuck and don’t know the answer for an image, you can use 100 coins to reveal a letter or 250 coins to remove a wrong letter.

Most entertaining fruit quest on google play! What is this fruit? A simple question but yet you will find so many fruit words you have not seen before. Not only that you can discover fruitland that you never knew about but you can also check your memory and try to remember the names of some strange ones.

We periodically offer free coins to help you discover amazing fruit and we add more levels to keep you interested.

Enjoy our free ""Fruit Quiz""!