Home Games Music Rhythm Gamelan Sri Kuncoro Mulyo

Gamelan is a musical ensemble that is usually highlight metallophone.

Gamelan is a music ensemble that usually accentuates metalophones, xylophone, drums, and gongs. The term gamelan refers to the instrument / tool, which is a whole unit that is realized and sounded together. The word gamelan itself comes from the Javanese language of Gamel which means hitting / beating, followed by the suffix which makes it a noun. Gamelan orchestra is mostly found on the islands of Java, Madura, Bali, and Lombok in Indonesia in various types and forms of ensembles. In Bali and Lombok today, and in Java through the 18th century, the term gong is more considered synonymous with gamelan.

A set of gamelan consists of various musical instruments and each musical instrument has a different function. The main components of the gamelan musical instrument are dominated by metal, bamboo and wood elements. Gamelan constituent musical instruments, namely: Kendang, Saron, Bonang Barung, Bonang Successor, Slentem, Gender, Gambang, Gong, Kempul, Kenong, Ketug, Clempung, Siter, Slime, Rebab, Baby, Bedug, Keprak and Kepyak.

Javanese gamelan is music with a pentatonic tone. One complete gamelan game consists of two rounds, namely Slendro and Pelog. Slendro has 5 octave per tones, which is 1 2 3 5 6 [C-D E+ GA] with a difference in small intervals. Pelog has 7 tones per octave, which is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [c+ d e-f# g# ab] with large interval differences. The composition of gamelan music was created with several rules, consisting of several rounds and pathet, limited by one gongan and its melodies were created in units consisting of 4 tones.