Home Games Text Puzzle EnglishLife Test

EnglishLife Test - Is a Convenent Application for Testing The Knowledge of the English Language.

EnglishLife Test is a convenient application for testing knowledge of English. Its minimalistic design and a simple interface will like all users.

The application presents 2000 tests of 15 tasks. Each question is devoted to one grammatical topic.

List of grammatical topics:

- Word Order

- Articles

- Present Tenses

- Past Tenses

- Future Tense

- Passive Voice

- Modal Verbs

- Phrasal Verbs

- Irregular verbs

- Pronouns

- Adjectives

- Adverbs

- Relative Clauses

- Noun Plus Preposition

- Prepositions

- Adjective Plus Preposition

- Nouns

- SOME, ANY, A LOT of, MANY, MUCH etc.

- Conditionals

- Reported Speech

- Gerund

- Infinitives

- Confusing Words

- Linking Words

- Expressing Hypothetical Meaning

- Word ForMation

EnglishLife Test - on the initiative of ODM "Camolot"