Home Games Text Puzzle Cruciverba Crittografati

Puzzles, Encrypted Crosswords, Crosswords, Crypto Crosswords

Cryptographs in Italian, Cryptocruciverba (free version), puzzles of words.

The game of encrypted crosswords, or cryptocross, is a simple and fun puzzle game.

There is only one rule to solve a cryptochriver, the same number is the same letter.

The cryptochromes are available in three different sizes:

- size 9x9: 85 encrypted crosswords

- size 11x11: 50 encrypted crosswords

- size 13x13: 50 encrypted crosses

And with different levels of difficulty (from one to three stars).

The total of the puzzles offered is 185. If you want to play with many other crypto crosswords, a professional version of the game is available without advertisements and with the possibility to download new cryptocrids regularly.

At the end of each puzzle game, a famous phrase will be revealed.

Have fun