Home Games Card Strategy Checker 3D

Checkers, also called draughts, one of the world’s oldest games

Checkers is played by two persons who oppose each other across a board of 64 light and dark squares, the same as a chessboard. The 24 playing pieces are disk-shaped and of contrasting colours (whatever their colours, they are identified as black and white). At the start of the game, each contestant has 12 pieces arranged on the board. While the actual playing is always done on the dark squares, the board is often shown in reverse for clarity. The notation used in describing the game is based on numbering the squares on the board. The black pieces always occupy squares 1 to 12, and the white pieces invariably rest on squares 21 to 32.

Play consists of advancing a piece diagonally forward to an adjoining vacant square. Black moves first. If an opponent’s piece is in such an adjoining vacant square, with a vacant space beyond, it must be captured and removed by jumping over it to the empty square. If this square presents the same situation, successive jumps forward in a straight or zigzag direction must be completed in the same play. When there is more than one way to jump, the player has a choice. When a piece first enters the king row, the opponent’s back row, it must be crowned by the opponent, who places another piece of the same colour on it. The piece, now called a king, has the added privilege of moving and jumping backward; if it moved to the last row with a capture, it must continue capturing backward if possible. A win is scored when an opponent’s pieces are all captured or blocked so that they cannot move. When neither side can force a victory and the trend of play becomes repetitious, a draw game is declared.

Games similar to checkers were played in the days of the early Egyptian pharaohs (c. 1600 bc) and were mentioned in the works of the Greek writers Homer and Plato. About the 12th century ad an early form of the game was adapted to the 64-square chessboard, and by the 16th century the rule compelling capture had been added, producing a game essentially the same as modern checkers.