Home Games Music Rhythm Capoeira Brazil hero

Best capoeira game for you to enjoy anywhere and show that you have waddle.

The hero Brazil capoeira was created for all who enjoy and participate in capoeira groups

Brazil at the outside, in the game you have several stages to go through and you can submit your score

for online rank.

The game capoeira hero is in HD and digital sound for added fun, yet he is super light and works on all phones, you do not need internet to play.

You can challenge your friends and see who can go further and do more points.

While you play it is possible to enjoy the game sound to dance real capoeira,

The game simulates the berimbau touches to show that you have the rhythm of capoeira to finish a level you unlock the next and have the option to submit your score.

Show that you are the greatest of Brazil capoeira master and take the hand in this fun game created for all the barns completely free Brazil.