combat sport cage or ring
Ladies and gentleman please welcome please in the heavyweight category Cage fighter of fusion all martial artist confronts four different style in a battle of the fittest with kickboxing and wrestling.
Through a system attack are dynamic fighter Cage of fusion provides a new style mixing different martial arts fighter and many are available from the 4 corner of the world defend their league title
in fights without thank you
the blind are open on your right the great champion unbeaten 74 victory with 51 KB for 93 kilo! on the left the new international hope boxer nicknamed the Black Panther Cage fighter merger of 17 to 12 kb victory!
the strength and all together in a cage of technical fighter with 2 different motion mode by sliding your doight on the combo performed to screen or action buttons on a combat stance to change at any time and a rag doll automatic function to push the realism.
Cage of Fighter fusion and after Ultimate Free Prison Fight with improved and new ragdoll fighters you beat a side with our team and play poo thank you for your support means a lot to us.