Home Games Casual Intelligence Bubble Puzzle

How many rectangles can you find in this highscores puzzle game?

Requirements: Flash player installed! If you see a blank screen please ensure you have a flash player installed.It can take 3-5 seconds to get the game loaded, so please be patient

Bubble Puzzle is an addicting high-scores puzzle game in which you must find as many rectangles as you can! The game contains global leaderboards, so you are playing against people all around the world! Can you be the best?

How to play: Tap on 4 bubbles of the same colors in a way that these 4 bubbles creates a rectangle (4 bubbles are corners of rectangle)! Bigger rectangle gives you better score!

Watch out for time limit!

* totally free

* global high-scores

* local high-scores

* addicting gameplay

Please try also my other FREE HIGHSCORES games if you like this one!

What's New in the Latest Version 2.0

Last updated on Jul 24, 2015 - revmob ads removed to improve gameplay experience