Blood Sport - an explosive combination of american football, soccer and fighting
Movement - Move the left thumbstick
Change player - Tap the player you want to control
Pass - Tap the right button while holding the ball
Kick Ball - Hold the right button and release while holding the ball
Punch - Tap the right button
Flying Tackle - Hold the right button and release while running
Head Stomp - Tap the right button while near the head of a downed enemy
**Camera can be changed and replays can be edited in the in-game options menu**
Blood Sport is an explosive combination of rugby, football and fighting - A great playing experience on your mobile and tablet! Battle to the death in each match, win by goals scored or by headless victory - by knocking all of your opponents heads off! Can you make it to the top of the Blood Sports league mode? Take the excitement and pain with you wherever you are with the most violent sports game on Google Play.
Collect the glowing coloured squares on the pitch to effect the gameplay. Want to run faster than your opponent, freeze the entire opposition team or increase your health? Just watch out for the instant knockout modifier!
**Blood SportS LEAGUE**
Feel the excitement as you battle your way to the top of the Blood Sports league
Grab any tools at your disposal to win, make good use of the pitch littered with weapons
Choose your team of competitors and jump straight into a no holds barred match
Multiple camera angles let you see the brutal action up close
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