Home Games Casual Intelligence Baby Egg Hatch

Ever wanted your very own newly hatched baby chicks? Now you can.

*** Fun Fun Games Presents – Baby Egg Hatch – Easter Chicks ***

Ever wanted your very own newly hatched baby chicks? Now you can, boom! You can have hours of fun taking care and dressing up your very own three super cute baby chickens and you get to choose and dress up each cute baby chick and choose what they wear and look like.

Pick their eggs and feather color, you can even pick their eye color!

Next, you can dress up your virtual chicks in super cool accessories.

Keep your Chicks on the Farm or even take them into outer space!

Baby Egg Hatch is a great virtual pet game for Easter and will make kids as happy as the Easter bunny.

So come dress up and play with your own pet Easter chicks in this great maker game.

Best of all Baby Egg Hatch is Free!