Home Games Role Playing A Silent Wood - Free

Modified, Multi lingual version of 'A Dark Room'.

A Silent Wood is the best selling text RPG game which begins in a dark room. This is a game an RPG fan should never miss.

Supported languages - English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Korean, Japanese, German and Tamil.

A Silent Wood is the most awaited, trend setting, absolutely brilliant, text based RPG game you should never miss.

Up from slumber in a dark room, you fetch and light up lumber, as you unveil mysteries that surrounded you in a silent wood.

If you want to get the full experience DO NOT read below. Contains SPOILERS.

A Silent Wood – an epitome of finger biting and awe-filled exodus through human civilisation. A wink of an eye in geological time scale, is rightly put in human perspective – in ‘A Silent Wood’ in a single night. Graphics of this game is a blind screen, but vivid opening of your mind screen and exploitation of your absolute imagination that makes the whole experience unique to each dweller of A Silent Wood.

First of all, we have no affiliation with A dark room, an open sourced game, which was originally developed by doublespeak games that took the users of other mobile platforms by a galactic storm. This game has been developed by Ariyalion Games as an unofficial version with additional elements like farming, plague attacks, a boss fight and a totally different story. This game engages your mind and creative imagination for few hours as it gradually lights up your vicinity, and leaves you pondering and wondering in the dark room for hours after the game, marvelling and reminiscing the moments in it, that held your interest for that long without any graphical display.

The spine of a silent wood, is a storyline that emerges from an absolute zero that develops into a civilisation encompassing the evolution of know-hows of human history. Up from slumber in a dark room, you fetch and light up lumber, as you unveil mysteries that surrounded you in that dark room. Your traverse in a dark room is a combination of a walk through the foggy landscapes and exuberant adrenalin rush.

Once again, this is NOT the official version of A Dark Room. And based on the open sourced code from https://github.com/Continuities/adarkroom

Licence: https://github.com/Continuities/adarkroom/blob/master/LICENSE.md

key words: RPG, text based, role playing, top game