Accueil application Bureau des affaires Bitcasa Drive

The Bitcasa Drive app lets you access your Bitcasa account on the go.

L'application mobile Bitcasa Drive pour Android vous permet d'accéder à tout ce qui est stocké sur votre compte Bitcasa à partir de votre téléphone et de votre tablette. Vous pouvez également sauvegarder automatiquement vos photos et vidéos de votre appareil photo dans Bitcasa. This means you'll never lose a picture or run out of space on your device again!

With the Bitcasa Drive Android App, you can:

• Access all your content (music, photos, videos) from your mobile devices and all your computers

• Watch videos in various formats and stream videos in HD

• View your work documents

• View content offline with "Favorite" items to keep a local copy always on your phone

• Share any file of any size with anyone with a simple link

• Keep your photos safe with automatic Camera Backup of all pictures and videos you take

• Use the Android "Share" menu to upload anything on your phone to Bitcasa

About Bitcasa

Bitcasa Drive is your external hard drive in the cloud. Bitcasa Drive makes the cloud your device's primary storage, so you never have to worry about running out of space again. Votre Bitcasa Drive diffuse instantanément tout ce que vous avez - y compris vos documents, photos, vidéos et musique - sur votre téléphone, votre tablette et votre ordinateur. Easily share whatever you like with anyone you choose. Everything is encrypted locally and backed up in the cloud so your data is always safe and secure. It's instant and simple.

Bitcasa est fondée par d'anciens employés MasterCard et Mozy et soutenu par des investisseurs de haut niveau, notamment Horizons Ventures, Pelion Venture Partners, Samsung Ventures, First Round Capital et Andreessen Horowitz. Learn more:,, and

What's New in the Latest Version 4.25.5

Last updated on Mar 31, 2016 Updates included in this release:

• Fix for default thumbnail icon in Photos view
• Improved support for right-to-left languages
• Other general bug fixes

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