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Todos los códigos de promoción de artículos de Pokemon Go GRATION (febrero de 2025)

Autor: Anónimo Fecha de actualización: March 18, 2025

Pokemon GO promo codes are a great way to earn a few extra free items without much effort. This guide contains all of the currently active Pokemon GO promo codes as well as how to redeem them.


  • How To Redeem Codes
  • Active Pokemon GO Codes
  • Amazon Prime Pokemon GO Codes
  • Expired Pokemon Go Codes
  • Free Poke Coin Codes

How To Redeem Promo Codes in Pokemon GO

You cannot redeem Pokemon GO promo codes in the application itself. To redeem codes, players must use a web browser (Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox). Follow the steps below redeem a code for free Pokemon GO Items:

  • Visit the Offer Redemption page of the Pokemon GO Web Store
  • Sign-in to your account using the same method as your Pokemon GO account
  • Enter a code and press 'Apply'
  • Open the Pokemon GO app and check for a confirmation message

If you had the app open in the background, you may need to fully close out and relaunch Pokemon GO for the items to appear.

All Active Pokemon GO Codes

Actualmente hay códigos disponibles para el mes de marzo de 2024. Siguiendo el método anterior, puede canjear los códigos para obtener algunas golosinas exclusivas.

The currently active Pokemon GO promo codes and their rewards are listed below:

Código Premio
GOTOURUNOVA An encounter of one Pokémon of your choice from a selection (New)
RCC4AJPAUCW86 50 Blaze Fusion Energy
WJ5DFWASCL65W 50 Volt Fusion Energy
4RD3GGA4ZMEGP Tornadus
4Q4UZLY6MUH9K Thundurus
9PTA874LYDAJH Landorus
WEARTERASTALCAP Recompensas gratis
D0T1STPARTNER Recompensas gratis
88FU6RE56G3TK Recompensas gratis
LJRAMRU3RYCMC 250 Max Particles
LFR5CQZ7852CP Fusion Energy
PQV2VFB9LD46E Fusion Energy
GOFEST2024 Premium Battle Pass and Incubator (Use in web store with purchase)
CAPTAINPIKACHU Activate Encounter
XZU46EAHWPKLK 10 Great Ball & 5 Potion
0HY0UF0UNDM3 Rotom Encounter

Amazon Prime Free Pokemon GO Rewards

If you or someone you know has an Amazon Prime membership, you can redeem free Pokemon GO goodies monthly. Follow the steps below to redeem your Amazon Prime Pokemon GO Rewards:

  • Go to the Pokemon GO page of
  • Click on 'Get In-Game Content' and sign-in to your Amazon Prime account
  • Copy the code and redeem it through Pokemon GO's offer redemption portal

All Expired Pokemon GO Promo Codes

Despite being around since 2016, Pokemon GO promo codes are a relatively new addition to the game. While some mobile games offer promotional codes every other day, Pokemon GO has only provided the community with around 30 codes.

Below is a list of expired Pokemon GO codes and their rewards:

Código Recompensas
A333M5HWDTCGZ Incense & Lucky Egg
4DSJTSPX4B9AH 2023 World Championships Avatar T-Shirt (Yellow)
S76334522EHWZ 7 Razz Berry & 7 Ghimmigoul Coin
3ZQZD2H6BBVT4 5 Great Balls & 5 Potions
6X4H9UCA8F7TT Regirock Research & Encounter
YKG5ZPC4SLXAX Regice Research & Encounter
6AKRAV5WJN5FS Registeel Research & Encounter
WRGUZRVKRR2M3 2022 World Championships Avatar T-Shirt
KG6EWDZRBK49KAY8 2 Super Incubators, 2 Incense, 2 Incubators, & 2 Lucky Eggs
7AZGHWU6DWV84 Incense & 30 Pokeballs
SWHPH9Z4EMZN7 30 Pokeballs, Incense, & Lucky Egg
E9K4SY77F5623 10 Pokeballs
LRQEV2VZ59UDA Verizon Jacket & Verizon Mask
KUAXZBJUTP3B7 Samsung Hat & Samsung Shirt
4535347728075597 Star Piece, Lucky Egg, & 20 Pokeballs
53HHNL3RTLXMPYFP Incense, 10 Pokeballs, & 10 Pinap Berries
5PTHMZ3AZM5QC Sinnoh Stone, 10 Max Potions, & 10 Ultra Balls
6W2QRHMM9W2R9 5 Razz Berries & 10 Pokeballs
9FC4SN7K5DAJ6 Star Piece, 5 Stickers, & 5 Razz Berries
DJTLEKBK2G5EK Star Piece, 10 Pinap Berries, 10 Stickers, & 20 Ultra Balls
DYEZ7HBXCRUZ6EP 30 Great Balls & 30 Pinap Berries
E9K4SY77F5623 10 Pokeballs
GXSD5CJ556NHG The North Face x Gucci Avatar Items Collection
H7APT5ZTLM45GZV 30 Pokeballs
MDWC4SNGUFXS2SW9 20 Great Balls & 20 Razz Berries
MQE4PFNYVRM6M Lure Module, 5 Great Balls, & 5 Stickers
VVM87WGMMUZHTB8X Ed Sheeran Avatar Sweatshirt
RWQNL567S5SP7VTL Ed Sheeran Avatar T-Shirt
KUAXZBJUTP3B7 Galaxy A Series Special Edition Avatar
D8STK9J6GPSM9 Incense & 3 Great Balls
P2XEAW56TSLUXH3 30 Max Revives, 30 Pinap Berries, & 30 Ultra Balls
TRFJVYZVVV8R4 Lucky Egg, 10 Max Revives, & 30 Ultra Balls
UWJ4PFY623R5X Lucky Egg, 5 Stickers, & 5 Ultra Balls
EMRK2EZWLVSSZDC5 8 Pokeballs, 4 Golden Razz Berries, & 4 Silver Pinap Berries
5PTHMZ3AZM5QC 10 Max Potions, 10 Ultra Ball, & Sinnoh Stone
K8G9DFV4X7L3W 50 PokeBalls
944231010271764 10 Pokeballs & 5 Razz Berries
844316465423591 10 Pokeballs

Are There Free Poke Coins Codes For Pokemon GO?

No, Pokemon GO has never offered promo codes for free Poke Coins or premium currency. This doesn't mean they won't in the future, but as of writing, there are no Free Coins Codes in Pokemon GO .