Live AIS Vessel Tracking
Search for ships all over the world and enjoy real-time live AIS positions with great coverage at your fingertips!
FleetMon Explorer es la aplicación complementaria de nuestro sitio web de seguimiento de embarcaciones que le permite buscar barcos y le brinda acceso instantáneo a la amplia información de embarcaciones de Fleetmon, la base de datos de buques abiertos.
A FleetMon Open account is recommended to make best use of FleetMon Explorer . You can register on our website.
The list of your favorite vessels will then be synchronized with your "My Fleet" on our website. This way the FleetMon Explorer app makes it easy to stay up-to-date about your fleet, even when you are underway.
Search for your specific vessel of interest and store it into your "My Fleet" for alerting and monitoring. Inspect name, type, speed, draught, deadweight and destination of searched vessels, their schedule and recent port calls. The table views provide details on actual times of arrival and departure.
Awesome ship photos contributed by the FleetMon ship spotter community are also included in a easy swipe gallery.
If you have problems with the app, please send us an e-mail to [email protected]. ¡Gracias!
La visibilidad de los buques en la aplicación depende de la disponibilidad de la señal AIS. Los suscriptores de nuestros planes "Fleetmon Unlimited SAT" pueden ubicar (casi) cualquier barco activo en el mundo a través de AIS satelital, mientras que los planes estándar ofrecen solo cobertura cercana a la costa. See our website for details. La integridad y la precisión de la información proporcionada no se puede garantizar.
Oh, and: FleetMon is fully satellite-enabled! Subscribers of our "Unlimited Sat" plans are able to locate (almost) any active vessel in the world.