The Reversing Warfarin app is to help doctors manage patients taking warfarin
The Reversing Warfarin App is designed for doctors to help them manage patients on the anticoagulant warfarin. It will be useful to anaesthetists, emergency specialists, surgeons, general practitioners, cardiologists and haematologists. In fact most clinicians will at some time have patients on anticoagulants and would find this App helpful.
The Reversing Warfarin App will help you
• Manage patients with an elevated INR result
• Provide safe advice to rapidly reverse the INR if bleeding occurs.
• Develop an appropriate treatment protocol around elective surgery
• Immediately reverse warfarin prior to emergency surgery
Features of the Reversing Warfarin App
An elevated INR
Simply enter the INR result and get immediate advice about dose reduction and vitamin K dosage if necessary.
Managing bleeding
Bleeding is a potential problem with any anticoagulant and can be complex to manage. With the Reversing Warfarin App you simply enter the INR result, your patient's weight and the severity of the bleed and get immediate advice including the dose of Prothrombinex-VF and vitamin K.
Managing surgery
Doctors are frequently faced with managing patients on warfarin going for surgery. The Reversing Warfarin App enables you to develop an appropriate protocol for your patient. In Fällen von Wahlchirurgie führt Sie von der App durch eine Reihe von Fragen, um die Thrombose und das Blutungsrisiko zu bewerten, und empfiehlt dann das am besten geeignete Protokoll.
Für eine Notoperation gibt die App Ratschläge, Warfarin sofort auf ein sicheres Niveau für die Operation umzukehren, und ermöglicht es Ihnen erneut, ein Protokoll auszudrucken.
The settings allow you to select various low molecular weight heparins so you can personalise the protocol to meet your practice.
Referenced information
Die Empfehlungen basieren auf den Richtlinien für die Australasian Society of Thrombose und Haemostasis (2013) und den Richtlinien für die American College of Chest Chycians (2012). All recommendations are linked to an information page which is appropriately referenced with relevant publications.
We welcome all feedback.
The advice is based on published reviews and guidelines. Extensive efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information.
Diese Software soll nur als Leitfaden verwendet werden, und Angehörige der Gesundheitsberufe sollten klinische Beurteilungen verwenden und die Betreuung für jeden Patienten individualisieren. In no event shall the author or developer be liable to any party for damages resulting from the use of this application.