Finden Sie die Reisestopps Ihrer bevorzugten Liebe, überprüfen Sie Ihr My Love Rewards-Konto, sichern Sie die nächste Dusche mit mobilen Dusche ein, aktivieren Sie kommerzielle Kraftstoffpumpen mit mobilen Pay-Pay-Quittungen von Love, sehen Sie sich die Transaktion und die Loyalitätsbelege an, kartieren Sie Ihre Route, sehen Sie sich die Echtzeit-Kraftstoffpreise an, fordern Sie die Lkw-Reifenpflege-Pflege und verbinden Sie sich mit unserem Kundendienstteam mit dem Love's Connect Mobile App. It's the ultimate travel app for professional drivers, and your mobile guide to our Love's Travel Stops & Country Stores.
Unabhängig davon, wo Sie sich im Land befinden, findet Love's Connect den nächstgelegenen Lkw- oder Ländergeschäftsort, der auf Ihrem Standort, Ihrer Stadt, Ihres Staates oder Ihrer Postleitzahl basiert. Also view distances in road miles, and in just a few more taps, get driving directions too. You can search by highway, on-site restaurants, fuel type, shower facilities and other store amenities.
Professional Driver Rewards
The more you fuel, the more you earn. Überprüfen Sie Ihre My Love Rewards-Punkte, greifen Sie schnell auf Ihre My Love Rewards Digital Card über den In-App-Barcode zu und sehen Sie sich Ihre kostenlosen Dusche- und Getränke-Nachfüll-Credits an.
View & Share Digital Receipts
Receive digital receipts for all Pay at the Pump, In-Store and Mobile Pay transactions within minutes of your purchase. All you have to do is scan your My Love Rewards card with every transaction.
Mobile Shower Check-In for Commercial Drivers
Bypass the fuel desk with shower check in at your favorite Love's Travel Stop with showers. First, be onsite at a location with showers. Then, tap the blue Shower Check In button on the Home or Store Details screen. Once your location has been confirmed, complete the transaction with your My Love Rewards shower credits and/or points. You can also plan ahead by checking busy times at other locations.
Love's Mobile Pay for Commercial Drivers
Activate the pump from the comfort and safety of your cab with Love's Pay. Select your pump and fuel, and then answer the prompts as you do at the pump today. Once authorized, lift the nozzle and fuel. You may also add and manage commercial fuel cards in your wallet, as well as view and share transaction and loyalty receipts.
Real-Time Fuel Prices
Love's Connect features real-time fuel prices for every single one of our travel stops. Watch fuel prices along your planned route to help you make better fueling decisions along the way.
Clean Places & Friendly Faces
At Love's we know your time is valuable. We want to know when we have done a great job and when we haven't. Use our feedback section to help us improve your Love's experience.