The Best Periodic Table Application for Your Android Mobile
Hi guys, this is my fourth application, Easy Periodic Tabel. It's one of Best Periodic Table apps for your android. Just 3 words, simple, easy, and complete. Einfach, weil diese Apps ein verrücktes verdammt einfaches Design enthält, gut aussehend und leicht zu verständlich zu sein, weil alle Elemente in verschiedenen Farben gruppiert sind. This Best Periodic Table is also very easy to use. Wenn Sie die Details eines Chemie -Elements wissen möchten, müssen Sie es einfach Tabelle und sehr vollständige Daten dieses Elements in einem Dinamyc -Pop -up erscheint. Just scroll down on it to know more about that element. Viele Informationen beginnen aus dem Überblick, der Atomnummer, der Shells, des Elementnamens, der Gruppe, der Klassenelemente, der Atomgewichte, der Konfigurationen, der Valenzelektronen, des Atomradius, der ionischen Radius, der Ionisierungsenergie, des Siedepunkts, des Schmelzpunktes, der Geschichte der Entdeckung des Elements, der Entdeckung, der Quelle dieser Elemente sowie der Nutzen. This is a sample data of an element in this Best Periodic Table .
Element : Nitrogen
Name Nitrogen
Symbol N
Atomic Number 7
Period 2
Group 5a
Type Non-Metal
Name Origin Greek: nitron and genes, (soda forming).
Pronounced NYE-treh-gen
Atomic Properties Crystal Structure Hexagonal
Atomic Weight 14,00674
Shells 2,5
Orbitals [He] 2s2 2p3
Valence 3,5
Electronegatifity 3,04
Atomic Radius 0.75 Å
Ionic Radius 1.71 (-3) Å
Covalent Radius 0.75 Å
First Ionization Potential 14.5341 V
Second Ionization Potential 29.601 V
Third Ionization Potential 47.448 V
Oxydation States (±3),5,4,±2,±1
Thermodynamic Properties
Melting Point -209.86°C
Boiling Point -195.8°C
Heat of Vaporization 2.7928 kJ/mol
Heat of Fusion 0.3604 kJ/mol
Specific Heat 1.04 J/gK
Thermal Conductivity 0.0002598 W/cmK
Coeficient of Thermal Expansion 240x 10-6 K-1
Description Colorless, odorless, tasteless, generally inert gas. Fifth most abundant element in the universe. Makes up about 78% of earth's atmosphere.
Density at 293o K 0.0012506 g/cm3
Electrical Conductivity --
Modulus of Elasticity --
Discovered By Daniel Rutherford
Year 1772
Location Scotland
Obtained from liquid air by fractional distillation.
Primarily to produce ammonia and other fertilizers. Also used in making nitric acid, which is used in explosives. Also used in welding and enhanced oil recovery.
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