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All Victoria 3 Console Commands and Cheats

Author: Unknown Author Update Time: March 17, 2025

Building a nation is no easy task, and it requires a lot of trial and error. If you want to try cheating in Victoria 3, you can use these available console commands and cheats.

How To Use Console Commands in Victoria 3

Here’s how you can activate console commands in Victoria 3:

  1. Launch Steam and select Victoria 3 in your library.
  2. Open the game’s settings by right-clicking the title.
  3. Go to General and look for Launch Options.
  4. Write “-debug_mode” in the text box.
  5. Launch the game and press the “~” key to open the debug menu.

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All Console Commands

After changing the Launch Options, you should be able to use console commands in Victoria 3. These commands will allow you to act like a god in the game. From changing laws in a specific country to making everyone agree to your proposals, there are no limits once you master this cheat.

Console CommandDescription
helpList all available console commands in Victoria 3.
annex Let you annex a certain country.
annex_allAllows you to annex all countries in the game.
create_pop_historyMake a dump file in debug.log with a complete pop history.
change_lawAlter laws in a certain country in Victoria 3.
fastbattleLet you activate or disable fast battle mode.
add_ideology Adds an ideology to your chosen interest group.
fastbuildLet you activate or disable fast-build mode.
add_approvalIncreases your approval rating with the selected group.
add_clout Increases your clout rating with the selected group.
add_loyalistsIncreases the number of loyalist population in your country.
add_radicals Increases the number of radical population in your country.
add_relations Increases relations with the selected country.
yesmenMakes everyone agree to your nation’s proposal.
vsyncfLet you activate or disable main swapchains vsync.
textureviewerLet you see textures in Victoria 3.
texturelistDisplays a texture list in the game.
skip_migrationLet you activate or disable migration skipping.
update_employmentLet you transfer employees between buildings.
validate_employmentPrints out unemployment statistics in the selected state.
create_country [country definition] [country type] [culture] [state id]Gives you the ability to create a new nation.
popstatShows the total number of active population.
enable_aiEnables AI in your current game.
disable_aiDisables AI in your current game.
Application.ChangeResolutionChanges your game’s current resolutions.
research (technology key)Grants the selected technology to your country.
set_devastation_level Sets the devastation level of the selected area.
wagerate Changes the selected building’s wage.
province bordersEnables or disables province borders of the selected areas.
Log.ClearAllClears all logs in your current save file.
nosecessionLet you activate or disable the secessions cheat mode in Victoria 3.
norevolutionPrevents revolutions from occurring in your game.
own (province id or state region tag) (country tag)Changes the owner of the selected region.
kill_character (name)Kills the selected character.
money (amount)Adds more money.
ignore_government_supportEnables ignoring government support in Victoria 3.
ObserveToggles the observation mode.
changestatepop Let you alter the population number of a certain group.
skip_migrationLet you activate or disable the cheat mode skip_migration.
date (yyyy.mm.dd.hh)Changes the current date of your game.

These are all the console commands you can use in Victoria 3. I don’t recommend using them on your first playthrough, but there’s no harm in utilizing this cheat as long as you’re having fun.

Victoria 3 is available now on PC.