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How To Obtain All Dark Instruments in Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii

Author: Unknown Author Update Time: March 17, 2025

Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii gives Goro Majima two different fighting styles. His “Sea Dog” pirate fighting style can also have four distinct and potent finishers for large crowds. However, it’s quite a trek to obtain all dark instruments in Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii.

How To Obtain The Dark God’s Violin in Pirate Yakuza

The Dark God’s Violin is the first Dark Instrument you can unlock in Pirate Yakuza and is also the only one that is mandatory to progress through the main story. The mission will come during Chapter 2 in the story, at which point one of your crew members (Jason) will give you a new waypoint to meet up with an old friend of theirs. It’s at this point in the story that Goro and his crew will encounter the Devil Flag pirates, who have killed Jason’s friend and taken a priceless treasure, called the Pharoh Stone, from him.

From here, players will meet Misaki, the now orphaned daughter of Jason’s friend who was killed. She will join the Goro Pirates, wanting to seek revenge for her father’s death, thus setting in motion the events of the side story. Players will unlock the first Dark Instrument by following the questline, which will take you to the islands east of Madlantis.

There will be an enemy fleet of Devil Flag pirates, and these are exceptionally stronger than the ones you have faced before. It’s best to focus all your attacks on the boss ship, allowing you to enter the next stage of the fight onboard the enemy ship. After defeating the Devil Flags, you will receive the first instrument, the Dark God’s Violin. After receiving this finishing move, the game will allow you to try it out for the first time by landing on the island and engaging in a 100-enemy brawl on the island.

Defeating the Devil Flags on the island will then trigger a cutscene where you’ll meet the captains of the massive fleet:  Yakuza, Ronin, Shinobi, and Zeus. The captains will tease you and dare the Goro Pirates to try and challenge them, thus officially beginning this sidequest. In terms of completing the main story, you don’t need to fight the Devil Flags. However, if you wish to collect all the Dark Instruments in Pirate Yakuza, defeating them all is necessary.

How To Obtain The Dark God’s Ocarina in Pirate Yakuza

After defeating that first boss ship and engaging in the initial 100-enemy brawl, players will see special Devil Flag markers in various waters you sail in Pirate Yakuza. When fighting Devil Flag ships, defeating them will earn you a certain amount of Devil Flags. To begin the steps of acquiring the next Dark Instrument, 70 Devil Flags are needed to progress further. So, anytime you see Devil Flags sailing around or a treasure island occupied by them, it’s best to deal with it then and there to amass flags quickly.

After getting 70 flags, Atali Island will unlock on your map. Ensure you have a strong landing party formation for this one, as this treasure island will be multiple waves of smaller groups of attackers. Eventually, you’ll get to the treasure chest that contains the Dark God’s Ocarina. However, you’ll have to defeat Devil Flag Captain Yakuza before you can make it yours. After the boss fight, the Ocarina will be in Goro’s possession.

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How To Obtain The Dark God’s Guitar in Pirate Yakuza

After defeating Captain Yakuza, a series of cutscenes and new objectives will unfold, in which the Devil Flag Captain will supposedly give you the location of the Island where the Pharoh Stone is hidden. Upon meeting Yakuza there, players will quickly learn that it was all a ruse, and another 100-enemy fight will begin. Take this time to try out your new Dark God’s Ocarina and defeat the mob of enemies.

From here, Goro and his crew will learn that Zeus is headed to Flame Island. This next stage of fighting the Devil Flag Pirates is something of a gauntlet, so having at least a three-star ranking is required before even trying to conquer this next difficult stretch of enemies. 130 Devil Flags are also required to progress, so be sure to keep hitting these Pirates anytime you see them when you’re sailing.

After getting the required flags, sail to the Flame Entrance Lighthouse, triggering a cutscene. There will then be four treasure islands that players must conquer: Sunset, Heatwave, Welldone, and Scorching Heat. It’s important to remember that treasure islands don’t allow you to consume any of your health items during battle, with some having rest points in place of your inventory. Make sure you’ve upgraded Goro and his landing crew to ensure victory.

After going through all the treasure islands, the Goro Pirates have another fleet battle ahead of them, where you should only try to focus on the boss ship as much as possible. After beating the Ship by boarding and defeating the first mate, Goro and four of his crew can finally land on Flame Island.

Jason, Masaru, Minami, and Saejima are the best members to choose for the departure to Flame Island. There will be another set of small battles that you have to participate in before eventually fighting Captain Ronin himself. Feel free to use either of the two Dark Instruments you’ve earned up to this point in Pirate Yakuza to take down Ronin and his crew. After this, Goro will access the treasure chest containing the Dark God of the Earth’s Guitar. Only one instrument is left.

How To Obtain the Dark God’s Saxophone in Pirate Yakuza

The Dark God’s Saxophone is the final Dark Instrument you need to obtain in Pirate Yakuza, and a Pirate Rank Four is required to move on to this last stage. Completing main story missions, recruiting new crew members, and playing mini-games and side quests will all help add points to achieve the required rank. You’ll also need to have collected at least 220 Devil Flags.

Sailing to the Frost Entrance Lighthouse will cause another cutscene to play, and from there, the Goro Pirates will be able to engage in a fight with the Devil Flag’s Fleet that is blocking the entrance to Frost Island. There will also be four other islands (Snowview, Coldwave, Icicle Island, and Glacial) that will be available to plunder and collect more Devil Flags.

Captain Shinobi’s First Fleet must be defeated before disembarking to face the Devil Flag pirates. Just as with previous Treasure Islands, there will be a series of battles on the island that eventually lead into a cave, followed by a recovery area that will get your health back after going through several waves of pirates.

Past the recovery area is the final boss fight located on Frost Island. Here, players will have to fight Captain Shinobi and his men. There isn’t that much of a difference between this boss encounter and the previous Devil Flag Captains, so you should be able to make short work of Shinobi and his crew. after defeating him, a cutscene with Zeus will play where he takes Misaki hostage, and the Frost Island level will end with Goro obtaining the final Dark Instrument.

There is one last boss encounter after this fight, where players must defeat Zeus and rescue Misaka. It is perhaps the most challenging boss fight that will require the Goromaru to be nearly fully upgraded, and it is a two-stage battle on the sea before being finished on an island. However, none of this last encounter is really necessary if all you wanted was all four Dark Instruments, though it would be odd to have come this far without finishing off the leader of the Devil Flags.

And that is how you obtain all Dark Instruments in Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii.

Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaiiis available now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.