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All Monster Hunter Wilds Achievements & How to Get Them

Author: Unknown Author Update Time: March 17, 2025

As you venture into the Forbidden Lands in Monster Hunter Wilds and tackle fearsome beasts, there are plenty of achievements to unlock as well. If you want to aim for total completion in the game, here is a guide to all Monster Hunter Wilds achievements and how to get them.

How to Unlock All Monster Hunter Wilds Achievements (Trophies)

Monster Hunter Wilds features a total of 50 achievements (or trophies) that are tied to various aspects of gameplay, from simpler objectives to more challenging feats. There are also 12 hidden achievements/trophies that are primarily tied to the main storyline, but there are also a couple that require completing certain tasks.

In all, there are plenty to keep even the most ambitious hunters busy, so make sure to cook and eat quality meals while you tackle these challenges.

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Disclaimer: The following achievement/trophy list may contain spoilers related to the story, so read ahead with discretion.

Achievement/Trophy NameHow to Unlock
Windward LandsCompleted mission: The Desert Trotters
(Story-related and will automatically unlock once the mission is done)
Shadow in the DownpourCompleted mission: Beyond the Deluge
(Story-related and will automatically unlock once the mission is done)
Guardians of the ForgeCompleted mission: Long-forgotten Flame
(Story-related and will automatically unlock once the mission is done)
Bringer of HarmonyCompleted mission: Monster Hunter
(Story-related and will automatically unlock once the mission is done)
New EcosystemsCompleted mission: New Ecosystems
(Story-related and will automatically unlock once the mission is done)
A Bitter EnvironmentCompleted mission: Wyvern Sparks and Rose Thorns
(Story-related and will automatically unlock once the mission is done)
Beyond the Black WingsCompleted mission: A World Turned Upside Down
(Story-related and will automatically unlock once the mission is done)
One Corner of the WorldCompleted mission: What Lies Ahead
(Story-related and will automatically unlock once the mission is done)
A True Hunter is Never SatisfiedCompleted 50 quests
Let the Investigations Begin!Completed your first investigation
(An investigation involves returning to hunt an unknown monster you marked
out in the wilds. Once you defeat it, the investigation will be complete.)
The Hunt is On!Completed your first Field Survey
(A field survey happens when you choose to hunt a monster that you come across
while exploring. If you want to come back to it later, it will be turned into an Investigation.)
A Step Toward Mutual UnderstandingCompleted your first side mission
East to West, A Hunter Never RestsCompleted 30 different side missions
Angling for a BiteSuccessfully fished for the first time
(Complete the quest ‘Fishing: Life in Microcosm’ and complete the tutorial
at the Scarlet Forest base camp.)
Mmm, So Tasty!Successfully cooked a well-done steak for the first time
Was It a Meal to Remember?Cooked over the BBQ Grill for the first time
(Use the BBQ Grill from your Essential Items radial menu in the field
or inside your tent.)
The Bigger They Are…Successfully mounted a monster for the first time
(Do this by performing an aerial attack, jumping onto the monster from your Seikret,
or jumping from a higher ledge onto the monster. Easiest with melee classes.)
Hunter-AssassinPerformed your first successful Sneak Attack
Hit ‘Em Where It Hurts!Landed 50 successful attacks on weak points or wounds in Focus Mode
A Prize Held HighCaught a creature that bears an ancient wyvern coin
I Caught a Shooting Star!Caught a creature in the desert that shines like a shooting star
Monster (Squid) HunterCaught a giant squid while fishing
A-fish-ionadoReeled in 30 whoppers while fishing
CampmasterEstablished Pop-up Camps in 10 places
GlamperCustomized a Pop-up Camp for the first time
(You can customize your Seikret at your tent via the Appearance menu.
Full customization options become available after defeating Alpha Doshaguma.)
A Keen-eyed ObservationUsed the binoculars to spot a gold-crown large monster
Ride-or-die CompanionCustomized your Seikret or changed its decorations for the first time
Established HunterReached Hunter Rank 100
Impregnable DefenseForged five different pieces of armor with Rarity 7 or higher
Power is EverythingForged five different weapons with Rarity 7 or higher
Someone Worth FollowingCompleted 100 quests with your Palico deployed
A Legacy RestoredObtained an Artian Weapon of Rarity 8
Burgeois HunterPossessed 1,000,000 zenny
(Zenny is the game’s main currency that you accrue by completing missions, hunts, etc.)
Explorer of the EastlandsObtained 10 different special items of Rarity 6
Monster Ph.DHunted many different large monsters
Seasoned HunterHunted 50 tempered monsters
(Tempered monsters can’t be encountered until after you finish the main story.
They are significantly more difficult to defeat and found in unusual places.)
Miniature CrownObtained your first miniature crown in the Hunting Log
Miniature Crown CollectorObtained a miniature crown for 10 or more monsters in the Hunting Log
Miniature Crown MasterObtained a miniature crown for many monsters in the Hunting Log
Giant CrownObtained your first silver crown or higher in the Hunting Log
Giant Crown CollectorObtained a gold crown for 10 or more monsters in the Hunting Log
Giant Crown MasterObtained a gold crown for many monsters in the Hunting Log
Capture ProCaptured 50 monsters
Monster SlayerHunted 100 large monsters
Top of the Food ChainHunted 50 apex predators
Hunters UnitedCompleted a quest via multiplayer
Hunters United ForeverCompleted 100 quests via multiplayer
Gossip HunterViewed 30 different Hunter Profiles
Newly Forged BondsFollowed someone for the first time

That concludes all Monster Hunter Wilds achievements and how to get them. Check out our other content for the game, such as our guide on how to capture monsters.

Monster Hunter Wildsis available now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.